Grant of Advance – Special Festival Package to Govt Servants

Grant of Advance – Special Festival Package to Govt Servants: Application Format by PCDA (O) Message No. 02/2021
Message No. 02/2021
Grant of Advance – Special Festival Package to Govt Servants.
Message : In accordance with MoD ID No 1(11)/2020/D(Pay/Services) Part-I dated 26/10/2020 conveying the applicability of MoF, DoE, F No. 12(2)/2020-EII(A) dated 12/10/2020, F.No.12(2) /2020-E.IIA(Pt) dated 13/10/2020 regarding an Interest Free Advance of Rs 10,000/- on account of Special Festival Package.
1. Army Officers can claim Special Festival Package for Rs 10,000/-.
2. A preloaded RuPay Card named UTSAV Card will be issued by the SBI.
3. Army Officers desirous of availing the Festival Advance may forward their application Form* duly signed & Countersigned by post or through APACC, Pune (AWAN on Army Data Network).
4. The Cards will be procured from SBI through indenting which may take their processing time.
5. On receipt of card envelope containing PIN, will be despatched to officer’s address as mentioned in application.
6. The package is available for any important festival for current Financial Year ending on 31st March 2021.As the entire process may take considerable time, officers are advised to apply well in advance for particular festival.
7. The amount will be recovered in not more than 10 instalments. The recovery will commence from the next month of the issuance of card.
8. PCDA(O), Pune will not be responsible for any loss/misplace of card or usage of the card by any other person than the officer himself.
9. Validity of the card issued is upto 31st March 2021 beyond which the same cannot be used. PCDA(O), Pune will not be responsible for any under utilisation of card and the entire amount of Rs 10,000/- will be recovered from officers pay irrespective of amount expended.
Application For claiming Special Festival Package in accordance with MoD ID No 1(11)/2020/D(Pay/Services) Part-I dated 26/10/2020 conveying the applicability of MoF, DoE, F No. 12(2)/2020-EII(A) dated 12/10/2020, F.No.12(2)/ 2020 -E.IIA (Pt) dated 13/10/2020
Sr No | Particulars Required | Details to furnished by the officer |
1 | Name of Festival : | |
2. | Per. No. | |
3. | Name of the Officer | |
4. | CDA A/c No | |
5. | Date of Birth | |
6. | PAN No. | |
7. | Name of the Bank | |
8. | Bank A/c No. | |
9. | IFSC Code of the Bank | |
10. | Address to which the Card is to be despatched | |
11. | Mobile No. (for OTP) | |
12. | Date of Retirement |
1. I hereby certify that information furnished above is correct and address mentioned above is the address to which I will receive the card.
2. I am aware that amount of Rs 10000/- is recoverable in 10 instalments from the month next to which the card has been issued by SBI.
3. I am aware that I am liable for refund of amount of Rs 10,000/- even in case of loss/misuse/under utilisation of card before 31st March 2021.
Signature of the Officer
Counter Signature of CO/OC of the Unit
Source: PCDA (O)