Adoption of the scheme for premature retirement of staff of NVS

Adoption of the scheme for premature retirement of staff of NVS as per the Government of India Rules contained in Fundamental Rule (FR) – 56
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
(Deptt. of School Education & Literacy)
F. No. 3-6/2021/2019-NVS(Admn))/1161
Dated: 08.11.2021
The Executive Committee of NVS in its XIV meeting held on 22.07.1994 accorded approval for adoption of the scheme for premature retirement of staff of NVS as per the Govt. of India Rules contained in Fundamental Rule (FR) – 56. Accordingly, appropriate committees were also proposed to be constituted and an Office Order No. 1-11/94-NVS(Admn) dated November, 1994 was issued.
2. In partial modification of the aforesaid Office Order dated November, 1994 and as per the decision of Executive Committee of NVS in its XIV meeting held on 22.07.1994, the provisions of Fundamental Rules (FR) 56 (j) and 56 (i) are’ implemented in NVS with immediate effect as per the guidelines issued by Govt. of India from time to time.
3. The revised composition of Review and Representation Committees are as under:
SIÂ No. | Classification | Composition of Review Committee | Composition of Representation Committee |
1 | Officers appointed through Central Staffing Scheme of Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension, Govt. of India | Central establishment Board will make its recommendations which will be placed before the appointment committee of the Cabinet for orders. | The senior selection Board shall make its recommendation to the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet for orders. For this purpose representation of the officers concerned should be sent by Deptt. of School Education & Literacy to the office of the establishment officer. |
II. | All officers of Group A & B other than the officers mentioned in SI No. (I) above. | 1. Additional/ Joint Secretary, Deptt. Of School Education and Literacy (Chairperson)
2. Commissioner, NVS 3. Another Senior Officer (from outside NVS) to be nominated by Chairperson, NVS from Education or affiliated organizations not below rank of Director/Dy. Secretary. Final orders will be passed by the Commissioner, NVS. |
1. Secretary, Deptt. of School Education and Literacy.
2.An officer of the rank of Joint secretary to be nominated by the Chairperson. Final orders will be passed by the Chairperson, NVS. |
III | All other employees of NVS not covered under SI. No. (I) and (II) above. | 1. Joint Commissioner (Admn.)/ Dy. Commissioner (Admn.) Chairperson 2. One Senior Officer who does not exercise direct immediate control or superv1s1on over the officers being screened to be nominated by Commissioner, NVS, (Member). Final orders will be passed by the Commissioner, NVS. |
A committee of officers of appropriate status unconnected with the original decision to retire the employee prematurely to be constituted.
Final order shall be passed by Commissioner, NVS after obtaining the approval of Addl. Secretary/ Secretary, Deptt. of School Education & Literacy. |
Note: In case of S. No. (II) & (Ill), above where action is proposed to be taken on grounds of lack of integrity the Chief Vigilance Officer of NVS will be associated as a member of Review Committee.
4. Detailed guidelines issued by DoPT vide O.M. no. 25013/03/2019-Estt.A-IV dated 28.08.2020 (copy enclosed) and other instructions issued by Govt. of India from time to time will be followed for consideration of the cases under FR 56 (j) and 56 (i).
This issues with the approval of the Commissioner, NVS.
(A. Thangvelu)
Deputy Commissioner (Admn.)
Encl. as stated.