AAI Junior Assistant Result 2018 Announced

AAI Junior Assistant Result 2018 Announced; Check at aai.aero
The Airport Authority of India (AAI) has released the results of Junior Assistant examinations on its official website, aai.aero. The selected candidates will have to appear for the medical fitness/ physical measurement test. A total of 648 candidates were qualified in the computer based online written examinations. The list of the selected candidates are available at the official website, aai.aero. The written examination was conducted at Ahmedabad, Aurangabad, Bhopal and Mumbai on December 17, 2018.
Click here to check AAI Junior Assistant Result 2018
AAI will send the call letter for the medical fitness/ physical measurement test to the respective e-mail ids of the candidates. “The call letter for further selection process for the above mentioned post will be sent to the candidates at their registered e-mail lDs and notice to this effect will be displayed on AAI website shortly,” mentioned the release.
How to check AAI Junior Assistant Result 2018?
- Visit the official website, aai.aero
- On the home page, Click on the link “Notification for the candidates appearing for Physical Endurance Test for the post of Jr. Asst.(FS)”
- A pdf with roll numbers of the selected candidates will open
- Download and take a print out for further reference
According to the official press release, “The 648 candidates bearing roll numbers (Annexure-l) who qualified computer-based on-line written examination at Ahmedabad/ Aurangabad/ Bhopal and Mumbai held on 17/12/2018 ( Monday ) for the post of Junior Assistant ( Fire Service ) in AAI- Western Region against Advertisement No. DR-04/06l20t8lWR, have been shortlisted provisionally for further selection process i.e. Certificate Verification, Medical Fitness / Physical Measurement Test, Driving Test and Physical Endurance Test.”
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Best wishes – Gconnect