7th Pay Commission Latest News From Around The Web [Update: 19-07-2017]
![7th Pay Commission Latest News From Around The Web [Update: 19-07-2017]](https://www.gconnect.in/gc22/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/7th-Pay-Commission-Featured.jpg)
7th Pay Commission Latest News – While there doesn’t seem to be any new development in the implementation of 7th Pay Commission recommendations, still bits and pieces of news keep floating around on the web.
This page is intended to collect and bring forth to you these news that appear on the digital media. You can read the full article by clicking on the source link below each news item.
7th Pay Commission: 3.68 Times Fitment Factor Hike For Central Govt Employee?
Will the Central government employees get to hear the good news that they have been waiting for since long- further hike in the minimum pay with 3.68 times fitment factor as against the recommendation of the 7th Pay Commission- or their hopes will be crushed again?
The minimum pay hike issue has erupted again as rumours are making rounds that the Narendra Modi-led NDA government will make announcement related to the further hike on August 15 – given that the general elections are around the corner and the Modi government will not risk disappointing the 50 lakhs central government employees.
Source: odishatv.in
सातवा वेतन आयोग दिवाळीत
राज्य सरकारी कर्मचाऱ्यांची यंदाची दिवाळी गोड होणार असून राज्य सरकारने दिवाळीच्या मुहूर्तावर सातव्या वेतन आयोगाची अंमलबजावणी करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला आहे. अर्थमंत्री सुधीर मुनगंटीवार यांनी बुधवारी ही माहिती दिली. यामुळे राज्याच्या तिजोरीवर २१ हजार ५३० कोटी रुपयांचा बोजा पडणार आहे. केंद्र सरकारने १ जानेवारी २०१६ पासून केंद्रीय कर्मचाऱ्यांना सातवा वेतन आयोग लागू केला आहे. त्यानुसार राज्य सरकारी कर्मचाऱ्यांना वेतन आयोगाचे लाभ दिले जातील.
Source: maharashtratimes.indiatimes.com
7th Pay Commission: Central staff demands pending even as this group gets a raise up to Rs 36,000
7th Pay Commission: Even as the Central government employees are waiting for the minimum salary hike beyond the 7th CPC recommendations, good news pour in. Serving guest teachers of the Haryana government will get a salary hike by up to 25 percent. The state will increase these teachers’ salary twice a year – in January and July, as the cost of living has gone up, PTI reported citing an official spokesman. JBT/Drawing teacher, master or school lecturer will now get Rs 26,000, Rs 30,000 and Rs 36,000, respectively. This will be effective from July 1, 2018, the report said.
Source: zeebiz.com
7th Pay Commission: Hike in Minimum Pay, Fitment Factor Likely in August?
The hopes of over 50 Lakh Central Government employees and an equivalent number of retirees for a hike in minimum pay and fitment factor beyond 7th Pay Commission, are continuously on a high as August approaches. As reports suggest, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to make an announcement related to a hike in the fitment factor and minimum pay of Central Government employees on August 15, i.e. Independence Day.
Source: india.com