7th Pay Commission: Good news for central government employees in November

Ahead of Diwali 2019, speculations were rife that the Central Government will hike minimum pay — an age-old demand of the central government employees ever since the 7th CPC got implemented — however, the central government decided otherwise. But, according to recent media reports, the central government is seriously mulling to raise minimum pay from Rs 18,000 to Rs 26,000 in November 2019.
The Central Government employees had urged the Narendra Modi-led central government to reconsider basic pay and demanded it to be raised citing that the present minimum pay had failed to put any impact on their financial situation. Though several media reports of a hike were reported at regular intervals, only disappointments have so far come in the way of the central government employees.
The Central Government employees are getting the minimum pay of Rs 18,000 which is 2.57 times in the present fitment factor. The demand is to make it 3.68 times in the fitment factor and make the minimum pay to Rs 26,000. Ahead of the Diwali 2019, the Central Government has announced 5 per cent DA and following the Central Government’s footsteps, several state governments like Bihar, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh have also announced 5 per cent DA for its state government employees. These states have announced Diwali Bonus to its employees also.
Source: zeebiz