100 days- Agitation Programme against the Govt’s policy of Corporatization/ Privatization w.e.f 27 June 2022: BPMS

100 days- Agitation Programme against the Govt’s policy of Corporatization/ Privatization w.e.f 27 June 2022: BPMS Order dated 14.06.2022
Bharatiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh
REF: BPMS/ Cir/ 19th TC/ 09
Dated: 14.06.2022
The Office Bearers & CEC Members
The President/ General Secretary
Unions affiliated to this federation
Subject: 100 days- Agitation Programme against the Govt’s policy of Corporatization/ Privatization w.e.f 27 June 2022.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Sadar Namaskar,
I hope all of you are quite well and busy in accelerating trade union activities to uplift the organization. After successfully conducting 19″ Triennial Conference of the federation in Kanpur in April 2022, we engaged ourselves in many organisational activities and did many works in the interest of employees and defence establishments. We held Office Bearers & CEC Meeting virtually on 29.05.2022 & 12.06.2022 respectively and an agitation programme on the subject of scraping NPS, restoring OPS (on the call of GENC) in May 2022.
Needless to mention here that Central Govt employees including defence civilians have continuously been hammered by the Govts policies of corporatization/ privatization. Recently, it has been decided by the Govt to empower the board of directors of the holding Central public sector enterprises to recommend and carry out the process of disinvestment (both strategic disinvestment and minority stake sale) or closure of any of their subsidiaries/ units/ stake in joint ventures. This may lead to arbitrary closure of many enterprises.
Our defence industry has also reeling under the same mess. Implementation of GOCO Model in Depots and Workshops, reduction of Civilian Manpower in Army Ha, Corporatizaton of Ordnance Factories etc are a few examples which are dismantling the strong defence structure of the nation and leading to total privatization of this core activity. We conducted many hard agitations on the call of BMS & GENC including under joint forum of recognised federations of MoD against this drive of Govt, but we could not make any remarkable success in this regard. But we have not given up.
In an all India meeting of PSENC (Public Sector Employees National Confederation, an umbrella body of all public sector employees under BMS), it has been decided in consultation with apex office bearers of BMS to hold a massive rally on 17 Nov 2022 in Delhi against all policies of Govt which relates to corporatization/ privatization/ closure of Public Sector Enterprises.
The issue was deliberated in the Office Bearers & CEC Meeting of this federation held virtually as mentioned above and it was decided that BPMS would participate in this rally at large scale. Further, it was felt in the meetings that an awakening programme was required to spread awareness amongst employees in this regard. Therefore, it was decided that an agitation programme of 100 days, against the Govts policy of Corporatization/ Privatization & a pre-preparation to our humongous rally of 17 Nov 2022 on the matter, would be conducted.
The programme will be held by the units/ unions as per the attached schedule. Unions are requested to chalk out their agitation programme for given dates in consultation with their concerned Joint Secretaries and pre-intimated the same to the Federation Hq.
All legitimate methods like Gate Meetings, Slogan Shouting, Wearing Black Badges, Sit-in (Dnarna) etc may be adopted as agitation programme under compliance with Corona related guidelines prevailed in the concerned region.
A memorandum addressed to Honble PM is to be submitted through HoDs by the unions (on the agitation day). Local level grievances may also be added in the memorandum. The programme should be highly publicized through media, social media, distribution of pamphlet etc.
All Joint Secretaries/ Secretaries are requested to make day to day reporting of the programme to Federation Hg. No stone should be left unturned in making the programme successful.
Thanking you in anticipation
Brotherly yours
General Secretary
Source: BPMS