Special Campaign for disposal of pending matter during the period from 02nd October to 31st October 2021: EPFO

Special Campaign for disposal of pending matter during the period from 02nd October to 31st October 2021: EPFO

Special Campaign for disposal of pending matter during the period from 02nd October to 31st October 2021: EPFO order dated 25.05.2022

File No.A-45011/53/2022-HRM-VIII /7820

ईपीएफओ, मुख्य कार्यालय
श्रम एवं रोज़गार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
भविष्य निधि भवन, 14, भीकाजी कामा प्लेस, नई दिल्‍ली 110066
NEW DELHI – 110066

25 MAY 2022


All Addl. CPFC (HQ)/Director (PDNASS)/
Addl. CPFC (Zones)

Subject: Special Campaign for disposal of pending matter during the period from 02nd October to 31st October 2021-regarding


Please find enclosed herewith Office Memorandum dated 14.03.2022 received from Ministry of Labour & Employment, regarding continuation of Special campaign for disposal of pending matters which was initially held during the period 2nd October to 31st October, 2021.

2. In this regard, following activities are to be undertaken during the special Campaign:

a. Record Management – Number of files reviewed and identified for weeding
b. Cleanliness and office scrap disposal (Indoor and Outdoor)
c. Space Freed

3. A calendar for Special Campaign in respect of above mentioned activities has been prepared for the Zonal Offices/PDNASS for proper implementation of the same which is as follows:

Sr. No. Month Name of the Zone
1 June, 2022 Andhra Pradesh (Vijayawada) and PDNASS (New Delhi)
2 July, 2022 Rajasthan (Jaipur) and Bihar & Jharkhand (Patna)
3 August, 2022 [Karnataka (Other than Bengaluru) & Goa (Hubli) and Punjab & Himachal Pradesh (Chandigarh)
4 September, 2022 Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh (Bhopal) and West Bengal, Andaman & Nicobar Islands & Sikkim (Kolkata)
5 October, 2022 Kerala & Lakshdweep (Thiruvanthanpuram) and Delhi & Uttarakhand and Jammu & Kashmir (New Delhi)
6 November, 2022 Gujarat, Daman & Diu and Dadar & Nagar Haveli (Ahmedabad) and Odisha (Bhubneshwar)
7 December, 2022 Maharashtra (Excluding Mumbai) (Pune) & Haryana (Faridabad)
8 January, 2023 Chennai & Puducherry (Chennai) & Uttar Pradesh (Kanpur)
9 February, 2022 Telangana (Hyderabad) and North-Eastern Region (Guwahati)
10 March, 2023 Bengaluru and Mumbai-I (Bandra)
11 April, 2023 Mumbai-II (Thane) & Tamil Nadu (Excluding Chennai)(Coimbatore)


4. It is requested to run the campaign on above earmarked activities between 1st – 20th day of the scheduled month and furnish the action taken report to the Head Office by 25th of the scheduled month at email- [email protected]. ( format enclosed).

Yours faithfully,

Encl: As above

(Uma Mandal)
Addl. Central P. F. Commissioner (HRM)

Source: EPFO

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