Proper handling of National Human Right Commission, National Commission of Scheduled castes cases: EPFO

Proper handling of National Human Right Commission, National Commission of Scheduled castes cases: EPFO guidelines for effective and timely disposal/monitoring of cases
Head Office
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14. Bhikaiji Cama Place. New Delhi-110066
Dated: 25.04.2024
The Addl. CPFC (HQ)/ Addl. CPFC of the Zone(s)
RPFC-I/OIC(s) of the Regional office(s)/District Office(s)/SSO/Training Academies
Subject: – Proper handling of National Human Right Commission, National Commission of Scheduled castes cases : reg.
Dear Madam/Sir,
Head Office has received several complaints from the National Human Right Commission, National Commission of Scheduled castes, National commission for scheduled tribes, National commission for backward classes and other constitutional bodies regarding the delay or negligence in handling the cases referred by them.
Following are the guidelines for effective and timely disposal/monitoring of cases before the Hon’ble Commission(s):-
- The reply should be submitted to the Hon’ble Commission within the stipulated time frame.
- The follow-up action should be taken promptly and proactively with the Hon’ble Commission after filing the reply which not only reflect our dedication to justice but also improve our operational performance.
- In cases where more than one office is involved, regular communication and coordination should be maintained among the offices. All the relevant updates, progress reports and information should be shared without delay.
- The zonal office will take the lead in filing the reply in cases where more than one office 1s involved in resolving the case.
- The zonal offices should ensure that all the cases are dealt efficiently and expeditiously.
- All the responses must undergo thorough review and vetting by Zonal ACC before being filed.
- The Zonal ACCs shall be accountable for any lapses in proper handling of references from constitutional bodies, where the grievance and letters are addressed to Central Provident Fund Commissioner.
The above guidelines must be adhered to by all officers strictly and diligently.
Yours faithfully,
(Radha Krishan Singh)
Additional Central Provident Fund Commissioner(HQ)
Source: EPFO