Non-functional upgradation in Level-9 on completion of four years of regular service in Level-8: EPFO

Process of EPFO joint option which can be submitted online till 03rd May, 2023

Non-functional upgradation in Level-9 on completion of four years of regular service in Level-8 in respect of officials belonging to the cadre of Enforcement Officers(EO)/Accounts Officers(AO): EPFO


ईपीएफओ, मुख्य कायलिय
श्रम एवं रोज़गार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
भविष्य निधि भवन, 14, भीकाजी कामा प्लेस, नई दिल्ली 110066

No: HRM-III/1(1)2021/Miscclarification/EO-AO/E-33879/ 5698

Date: 01/03/2022
02 MAR 2022


All Additional Central PF Commissioners (Zones)
All Regional PF Commissioner-I
[In-charge of the Regions, including RPFC (ASD)]

Subject- Non-functional upgradation in Level-9 on completion of four years of regular service in Level-8 in respect of officials belonging to the cadre of Enforcement Officers(EO)/Accounts Officers(AO)-regarding.


As you are aware the modified Recruitment Rules for the posts of EO/AO have been notified on 30th December, 2020. Column 4 of this RR provides for “Non-functional upgradation in Level-9 in the Pay Matrix (Rs.53,100-1,67,800) on completion of four years of regular service in Level-8 in the pay matrix (Rs.47,600-1,51,100)”

2. In this context, a number of references have been received from field offices seeking clarification on the process to be adopted for grant of Non-functional up-gradation (NFU) to the eligible officers.

3. The matter has been considered and following clarifications are issued:

  • Non-functional upgradation may be made effective from the date of notification of modified RRs i.e. 30.12.2020.
  • Only that period of service (including the service prior to notification of modified RRs) will be taken into account for granting Non-functional up-gradation (NFU) to EO/AO, which has been rendered by an official in the cadre of EO/AO in Level-8 in the pay matrix (Rs.47,600-1,51.100) on substantive basis.
  • The composition of Screening Committee for grant of NFU to EO/AO may be on the same lines as in the case of MACPS for EO/AO. (Copy enclosed)
  • NFU and MACPS can go on concurrently, As per FAQs on MACPS issued by DOP&T (Copy enclosed) at point No. 16, it is clearly mentioned that “Non-functional Scale(NFS) would be viewed as one financial upgradation for the purpose of MACP”, which clearly means that the two ie. MACPS & NFU. both can go concurrently but at one time only one benefit shall be available to the official and NFU will be viewed us one financial upgradation for the purpose of MACPS.

4. Accordingly, the screening in respect of the eligible officials (ie. who have completed four years of regular service on the date of notification of the RR or thereafter) may be done expeditiously and recommendations of Screening Committees may be sent to Head Offices for getting approval of the Competent Authority.

(This issues with the approval of ACC (HQ)(HR) )

Encl: As above

Yours faithfully,

(Uma Mandal)
Addl. Central P F Commissioner (HRM)

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