Due minimum benefit to be paid from EDLI fund to the eligible family members: EPFO

Due minimum benefit to be paid from EDLI fund to the eligible family members – Gazette Notification no. GSR 299(E) dated 28.04.2021 in EDLI Scheme, 1976: EPFO Order dated 02.01.2023
E-file no. 52780
Dated: 02.01.2023
All Zonal ACCs,
All OICs/RPFC-Is (In-Charge)
Subject: Due minimum benefit to be paid from EDLI fund to the eligible family members – Gazette Notification no. GSR 299(E) dated 28.04.2021 in EDLI Scheme, 1976- regarding
Madam /Sir,
As you are aware, vide G.S.R 170 (E) dated 15.02.2018 (with effect from 15th Feb 2018), the provisions of minimum assurance benefits of Rs 2.5 lakh was introduced in EDLI Scheme. This provision was valid only for a period of two years from the date of publication of this scheme in the official Gazette.
To ensure continuity of this minimum benefit, vide G.S.R No. 299 (E) dated 28.04.2021, the minimum assurance benefits payable under Para 22(3) of EDLI Scheme has been notified as Rs 2.5 lakh retrospectively w.e.f 15.02.2020.
Therefore, an additional assurance benefit amount became due for the beneficiaries where the deceased member may have died after 14.02.2020 and the assurance benefit was paid under para 22(3) but was less than Rs.2.50 lakh as per the then scheme provisions, during the intervening period, in absence of relevant provision in EDLI Scheme.
Once the relevant provision was notified, there was no additional requirement of filing supplementary claim by the beneficiary for such additional payment under the EDLI scheme.
The procedure being followed since the release of functionality on 10.06.2021 is same as was followed for releasing additional payments for the earlier period i.e. 15.02.2018 to 14.02.2020. IS Division had deployed functionality “War 8.93”, on 10.06.2021 incorporating amendment in the claim module (EDLI Special) for implementing amendments as per G.S.R dt 28.04.2021.
Recently, it has been pointed out by Director General, Audit, Kolkata that in some cases of death of eligible employees after the amendment dt 15.02.2018, the EDLI benefits calculated and paid to the nominees were less than stipulated minimum assurance benefit of Rs 2.5 lakh resulting in short payments.
This incident has led to an apprehension that similar cases of short payments may be existing in other ROs also. If true, such cases need to be immediately identified and due benefits need to be released to the beneficiaries immediately without further delay.
Therefore, all ZOs are requested to ensure that ROs in their respective jurisdiction shall identify all such EDLI claims settled, where minimum benefit as defined in G.S.R 299(E) dated 28.04.2021 may not have been paid in intervening period and shall immediately release balance benefits due, if any.
A consolidated report shall be sent by Zonal Office to this office confirming that the minimum EDLI benefits have been given in all eligible cases and there are no cases of short payment.
The report to be sent within 15 days on or before 16th January 2023.
[This issues with the approval of ACC-HQ(Pension)]
Yours faithfully,
(Aprajita Jaggi)
Regional P.F Commissioner-I (Pension & EDLI)
Source: EPFO