Exemption of procurement of Aviation related spares through GeM: CGDA

Exemption of procurement of Aviation related spares through GeM: CGDA order dated 19.09.2023
रक्षा लेखा महानियंत्रक
उलान बटाररोड, पालम, दिल्ली छावनी1-10010
Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.- 110010
एकिकृत वित्तीय सलाहकार स्कन्ध (IFA Wing)
Phone: 011 – 25665571 Email: [email protected]
Dated: 19.09.2023
All Pr.IFAs/IFAs
(Through CGDA Website and SIFA)
Sub: Exemption of procurement of Aviation related spares through GeM.
Ref: (i) WQrs Office letter IFA/181/GeM/5/2021 dated 09.04.2021.
Kindly refer to letter cited above vide which it was clarified that creation of Custom Bid is not applicable tor procurement of Aviation related spares and/or requirements arising out of Provisioning Reviews/Special Reviews relating to procurement against Service specifications and specific to type approvals give by DGAQA/CEMILAC.
2. The issue regarding procurement of spares by the buyers has been deliberated in SCoGeM Meeting held on 06 Oct 2022 where in vide Para 3 (f) of Minutes of Meeting it was decided that
“Post clarification on the functionality of procurement of Spares on GeM, Defence Organisations and DPSUs were advised to commence procurement of spares through GeM Portal through BOQ/Custom bids provision. Organisations may review the functional provisions available on GeM portal and submit their response in this matter before next SCoGeM. Exemptions provided to Defence Organization may be revoked based on the feedback.”
4. Subsequently, during SCoGeM held on 31 Oct 2022 it was decided vide Para 3(j) of Minutes of Meeting that spares should be procured through GeM as much as possible.
5. The issue regarding exemption for procurement/repairs of spares was also deliberated in SCoGeM Meeting held on 10 May 2023 and vide Para 2(r) of Minutes of meeting it was decided that “regarding exemption for procurement/repairs through DPSUs, the Chairperson directed that the exemptions will be handled on a case-to-case basis as also all such exemptions should be deliberated by SCoGeM. CGDA would reconsider exemption accorded for aviation spares”.
6. Accordingly, the exemption provided vide this HQrs Office letter cited under reference has been re-examined in consultation with MoD (Fin) and GeM and it is decided that the exemption provided regarding non-creation of Custom Bid for procurement of Aviation related spares and/or requirements arising out of Provisioning Reviews/Special Reviews relating to procurement against Service specifications and specific to type approvals give by DGAQA/CEMILAC, as communicated vide letter under reference stands withdrawn with immediate effect.
7. It is requested that the executives may be advised to procure spares through GeM as much as possible and cases of exemptions, if any, may be submitted to SCoGeM for approval in terms of Para 2 (r) of Minutes of SCoGeM Meeting held on 10.05.2023 on case – to-case basis.
This issues with the approval of Jt. CGDA (IFA).
(Nihar Ranjan)
Source: CGDA