Excess Travel Allowance and Daily Allowance on Tour paid – CGDA Instructions

Excess Travel Allowance and Daily Allowance on Tour paid – Instruction regarding overpayment in r/o of TA/DA on account of Temporary Duty/Tour
Excess Travel Allowance and Daily Allowance on Tour paid – CGDA Important Circular
CGDA, Ullan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010
No. AN/XIV/14162/TA/DA/CTG/Vol-IV
Dated : 07/09/2017
All PCsDA/CsDA/CFA (Fys)
Sub: Instruction regarding overpayment in r/o of TA/DA on account of Temporary Duty/Tour.
During the inspection of one of the controller office by the inspection team of HQrs Office it has come to the notice of inspection team that the Daily Allowance on Tour/Temporary Duty has been admitted and paid , in excess of rates i.e 25% over and above entitled rates when the official opted for old rate as prescribed in GOI, MF OM 10/2/98-IC & 19030/2/97-E.IV Dt.17/04/1998,resulting in Overpayment. In this Context attention is also drawn to this HQrs office letter No.AN/XIV/14162/6th CPC/Corr/Vol-XII dt 24.11.11 under which it was clarified that the enhancement of rates of various allowances by 25% when DA goes up by 50% is applicable to the rates mentioned in 6th CPC letter No:19030/3/2008-E.IV dt. 23.09.2008
2.Non Compliance of orders on the subject has been viewed with concern by the Competent Authority and has directed to review all the TA/DA claims on account of TD/Tour in respect of your as well as subordinate offices under your Organization. Any overpayments detected may be recovered immediately as per extant orders and corrective action for regulating such irregularities may also be taken.
3.Action taken report may be furnished to the HQrs by 09.10.2017
(Kavita Garg)
Sr. Dy. CGDA