Recovery of excess payment of FMA (Fixed Medical Allowance) and to regulate the ECHS facility: PCDA

Recovery of excess payment of FMA (Fixed Medical Allowance) and to regulate the ECHS facility in respect of Pre-01.04.2003 Armed Forces Pensioners
Circular No. 225
No. AT/Tech/340/Vol- III
Dated: 31.01.2022
1. The Chief Accountant, RBI, Deptt. of Govt. Bank Accounts,
Central office C-7, Second Floor, Bandre- Kurla Complex,
P B No. 8143, Bandre East Mumbai-400051
2. The Director of Treasuries of all states
3. The Manger CPPC of all Public Sector Banks including IDBI
4. The CDA (PD) Belvedere Complex, Ayudh Path, Meerut Cantt-250001
5. The CDA, 618- Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai-600018
6. The Nodal Officers (ICICI/ AXIS/HDFC Bank)…
7. The Pay & Accounts Officer, Andaman and Nicobar Administration, Port Blair
8. The Pay & Accounts Officer, Govt. of Maharashtra, Free Press Journal Marg, Mumbai-400021
9. The Pay & Accounts Officer, No. V (Pensions), Delhi Administration, Tis Hazari, Delhi
10. Military and Air Attache, Indian Embassy Kathmandu, Nepal.
11. The all DPDOs
12. The Post Master Kathua, Jammu and Kashmir Circle, Srinagar
13. Regional Directors, Regional Centres ECHS-Jammu, Delhi, Chandimandir, Jaipur,
Lucknow, Kolkata, Patna, Jabalpur, Pune, Chennai, Secunderabad, Kochi &
Sub: Regarding recovery of excess payment of FMA(Fixed Medical Allowance) and to regulate the ECHS facility in respect of Pre-01.04.2003 Armed Forces Pensioners.
Attention of all Pension Disbursing Authorities and Regional Directors, Regional Centres-ECHS is invited towards excess payment of FMA to the Armed Forces pensioners by the PDAs in cases where pensioners had requested to stop payment of FMA(Fixed Medical Allowance) and applied for ECHS card from respective ECHS Polyclinics.
2. In number of cases, payment of FMA has been continued by the PDAs even after issuance of ‘Non Payment Certificate’. The issue was noticed when ECHS Polyclinics have refused handing over new 64 KB ECHS Card. Some ECHS Polyclinics have observed that even after issuance of FMA stoppage certificates, the PDAs have continued payment of FMA resulting in overpayment. Some of the Polyclinics have asked the beneficiaries to clear all the FMA overpayment before handing over of new card.
3. In above context, a meeting was held on 17.11.2021 with officers of ECHS and CGDA under chairmanship of Joint Secretary, Ex-Servicemen Welfare for continuation of ECHS coverage, pending recovery of excess FMA. Ministry has expressed their view that overpayment due to overlook on the part of PDAs and the beneficiaries should not face hardship due to this lapse and ECHS facility should not be stopped.
4. Regarding pending recoveries of overpaid FMA to Pre-01.04.2003 retired pensioners, ministry has directed that ECHS facilities should not be stopped. The ECHS authorities may however insist on a fresh FMA stoppage certificate from PDA before handing over of new ECHS card. As far as recovery is concerned, CGDA and ECHS may issue instructions to PDAs and ECHS Polyclinics for the manner of recovery and handing over of ECHS Cards.
5. In view of the facts and directives of Joint Secretary, Ex-Servicemen Welfare, Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence, Deptt. of Ex-Servicemen Welfare-All Pension Disbursing Authorities- are requested to identify such Pre-01.04.2003 retired pensioner’s cases and issue a fresh “ Non-payment Certificate”. Overpaid amount on account of FMA may be recovered in monthly installments subject to prescribed condition i.e. not more than 1/3rd of the basic pension plus dearness relief. However, in case of any arrears accrued on account of revision of pension, the recovery can be liquidated in full. Further, if pensioner gives consent for higher installment, the same can be recovered.
All Regional Directors, Regional Centres ECHS- are requested to issue necessary instruction for issuance of ECHS Cards to ECHS Polyclinics under their administrative jurisdiction.
(Bijay Kumar)
Asstt. Controller (Pensions)
Source: PCDA