Revision of rates for rt PCR Test for COVID-19: ECHS

Revision of rates for rt PCR Test for COVID-19: ECHS Order B/49770/AG/ECHS/Treatment dated 15.06.2020
Central Organisation, ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
Integrated Headquarters
Ministry of Defence (Army)
Thimayya Marg, Near Gopinath
Circle, Delhi Cantt-110010
15 Jun 2020
All Regional Centres
1. Please ref the fwg :-
(a) COECHS letter No B/49770/AG/ECHS/Treatment/Policy dt 21 Apr 2020.
(b) COECHS letter No B/49770/AG/ECHS/Treatment/Policy dt 14 May 2020.
2. In view of the current Corona virus Disease(COVID-19) Pandemic, all out efforts are made by the Government to contain its impact by instituting measures at community as well as at individual level.
3. The matter has been reviewed and it is now decided in supersession of the earlier orders that the CGHS rate for RT-PCR test for COVID-19 shall be as per the rate prescribed by I.C.M.R. or the rate prescribed for the State by the concerned State Government or actual, whichever may be lower.
4. The Private hospitals /Laboratories empanelled under ECHS and approved for undertaking the test shall perform the investigation after the same has been advised as per the prevalent ICMR protocols by any Specialists of Government Hospital/ centre /Private empanelled hospitals / Medical Officer of ECHS/Service hospitals.
5. In this regard ECHS beneficiaries are advised to download ‘Aarogya Setu’ App on their mobile Phones and self-assess themselves by uploading their health status on the mobile application. If the ECHS beneficiary is unwell or shows any symptoms of COVID-19 — i.e., Fever, Cough or, Breathlessness, etc, – he/she may contact any service/government Hospital/Medical Officer of ECHS PC/Private empanelled hospital and advised RT-PCR test for COVID-19 as per the prevalent ICMR protocols, the same may be undertaken from any Government/approved centre empanelled under ECHS.
6. ECHS empanelled centers shall perform the test on cashless basis in respect of ECHS beneficiaries and submit the bills to ECHS through UTI-ITSL. The reimbursement for the cost of expenditure on the test at approved rate shall be reimbursed by concerned RC.
7. The other terms and conditions given in letter mentioned at Para 1 above remain unchanged.
(Anupam N Adhaulia)
Dir (Med)
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Also check the following links related to this topic:
Revision of CGHS Rate for rt PCR Test for COVID-19
CGHS clarification regarding rt PCR Test for COVID 19
ECHS: Reimbursement of Medicines – Special Sanction in view of Covid-19
ECHS Guidelines for claiming reimbursement of medicines purchased from 23 Mar 2020 onwards
Advisory to Empanelled HCOs under ECHS for Cashless Treatment of COVID-19 Testing