ECHS Smart Card – Frequently Asked Questions

ECHS Smart Card – Instructions For Online Application – Frequently Asked Questions
ECHS Smart Card – Central Organisation’s circular dated 16.11.2017
Central Organisation, ECHS
Adjutant General ‘s Branch
Integrated HQ Of MOD (Army)
Maude Lines
Delhi Cantt – 110 010
Tele: 011-25684645
Telefax: 011-25682392
Email: [email protected]
16 Nov 2017
1. Enclosed please find CD containing detailed instructions for online filling and processing of new ECHS Smart Card.
2. The website and the application will go live soon, firm date for the same will be intimated shortly. In the interim it is requested that these instructions may please be disseminated to all stake holders. These instructions are also available on our website under link Online Smart Card Application – Instructions.
3. Record Offices &Station HQ: A nodal officer at each Record Office and Stn HQ may please be nominated to co-ordinate the activities associated with the roll out of New Smart Card. Under mentioned details of the nominated nodal officer may please be forwarded to this HQ by 24 Nov 2017.
Sl No. / No. Rank Name of Nodal Officer / Appointment / Mobile No / E-mail Address
4. MP 5 85 6 [ NHQ (DOP (oA asRuOPF [ Air HQ [DPO] ( CG (Veteran CellMDDG MS NCC. A nodal Officer may please be nominated and details as above be forwarded to this HQ by 24 Nov 2017.
5. Please acknowledge receipt.
(DM Anand)
Dir (Stats & Automation)
Read / Download ECHS Smart Card – Frequently Asked Questions
Ques 1: How can I find out difference between a 16Kb Card or a 32 Kb Card?
Ans: Smart Cards issued upto Apr 2010 were of 16Kb capacity whereas Smart Card issued from May 2010 to May 2015 were of 32Kb capacity. The visual difference of both the cards as follows:
Ques 2: I am not the first time applicant. Do I need to attach affidavit for dependents?
Ans: Attaching of affidavit is compulsory for all type of applications.
Ques 3: On the registration page there is a field for Prefix before Service number. I don’t have any Prefix in my service number. What should I write in Prefix field?
Ans: The service numbers in respect of Army Officers and Army JCOs consists of prefix whereas other service personal of Navy, Air Force & Coast Guards don’t have the prefix in their service numbers. Hence, the field has been provided for Officers and JCOs of Army. However, the field is optional.
Ques 4: My son is a minor and he is not having either mobile number or email ID. What should I do?
Ans: Mobile number and email ID of primary beneficiary can be entered for the dependents for whom mobile number and email ID is not available.
Ques 5: How can I upload the photographs and signatures?
Ans: The detailed instructions regarding uploading of photograph and signature has been defined in Para 15 to 17 of Part – I of Instructions for Online Smart Card. Click here to follow the link
Ques 6: As per instructions, Aadhaar is mandatory. However, I am a resident of Assam State, here Aadhaar Cards are not made. What should I do?
Ans: As of now mentioning of Aadhaar card is not mandatory for the residents of North East States, Jammu & Kashmir and for Nepal Domicile Gorkhas. The field for Aadhaar will not be presented in the online application on selection of your state of residence.
Ques 7: I am a 16Kb Card holder. What documents do I need to upload for my application?
Ans: The procedure for filling up online application has been described in ‘Instructions for Online Smart Card Application’ available on ECHS website under heading Online Smart Card Application – Instructions. The links for documents required to be uploaded for various types of application is appended below:-
Sl. No Type of Application Link
(a) Future Retiree %20Final.pdf#page=13
(b) Temporary Slip Holder %20Final.pdf#page=17
(c) 16Kb/32Kb Card Holder %20Final.pdf#page=20
(d) 1996 to Mar 2003 retiree %20Final.pdf#page=23
(e) Pre to Apr 1996 retiree %20Final.pdf#page=27
Ques 8: Discharge book is having too many pages, which pages do I need to upload?
Ans: Only relevant pages of the discharge book is required to be scanned and uploaded. The pages containing following information is required to be uploaded:-
(a) Service Particulars.
(b) Discharge Order / Authority No.
(c) Service Details / Discharge Date.
(d) Signature of CO/Stn Cdr/RO.
Ques 9: I have filled my application and uploaded all the documents. How do I know the status of my application?
Ans: The status of application can be checked by in your login.
Ques 10: I want to change my registered mobile number. What is the procedure?
Ans: The procedure for changing registered mobile number has been defined in Para 7 of Part – I of Instructions for Online Smart Card. Click here to follow the link
Ques 11: Do I need to make new card every year. What is the life of the Smart Card.
Ans: The life of the Smart Card is minimum 10 years. However, same can be continued depending on the condition of the card.
Ques 12: Where do I need to submit the hard copy of the application?
Ans: The submission of hard copy of application has been done away with. The application will move only on the online system and there is no need to submit the hard copy to any of ECHS office.
Ques 13: How can I get the Temporary Slip till the time my Smart Card is made?
Ans: Temporary Slip will be auto generated only for the first time applicants of ECHS on successful submission of application. The temporary slip can be activated from the parent polyclinic.