Pre- 2006 Armed Forces Officers, JCOs/ORs – Improvement in Casualty Pensionary Awards
Improvement in Casualty Pensionary Awards for Pre- 2006 Armed Forces Officers, JCOs/ORs and equivalent – PCDA Circular
Circular No. 503
Dated: 17th January 2013
Subject: Implementation of Government decision on the recommendations of the Committee of Secretaries – 2012 on the issues related to Defence Service Personnel and Ex-Servicemen – Improvement in Casualty Pensionary Awards for Pre- 2006 Armed Forces Officers, JCOs/ORs and equivalent.
Reference: This Office Circular No.410 dated 13.05.2009 and circular No.456 dated 18.03.2011
(Available on the Office website )
A copy of Government of India, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi, letter No. 1(16)2012/D (Pen/Policy) dated 17th Jan 2013 is forwarded herewith for immediate implementation. The same has also been uploaded on this office website and may please be downloaded at your end in the absence / non receipt of this Circular/ Govt. of India, MOD letter, action may be taken accordingly without waiting for the hard copy of the order. The following instructions / clarifications are issued for smooth implementation of MOD letter on the subject.
2. General Guidelines: Implementation of its provisions regarding revision of various elements of pension may be done keeping in view the following general guidelines:
(i) Applicability: These Orders are applicable to all Pre-2006 Armed Forces Family Pensioners who were/are in receipt of Special Family Pension/Liberalised Family Pension/ 2nd life award (continuance of Family Pension) as on 24th September 2012.
(ii) Non Applicability:
The provisions of this letter do not apply in the following cases: –
(a) Family Pensioners of Armed Forces Pensioners (Commissioned Officers and JCOs/ORs and equivalent) who are in receipt of Ordinary Family Pension.
(b) UK/HKSRA pensioners/Family pensioners.
(c) Persons in receipt of Compassionate Allowance/ Guzara Bhatta/Reservists Allowance etc.
(d) Ex-gratia family pension @ 605/- p.m. to the families of the deceased reservist covered by Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence Order No.B/40029/AG/PS-4(d)/1/B/D(Pension/Service) dated 07.01.1999.
(e) Families of Artificers and Non-Combatants (Enrolled) of the Corps of EME who are in receipt of 150/- p.m. as Ex-gratia payment w.e.f. 01.01.1992.
(f) Gallantry Awards, such as Param Vir Chakra/Ashok Chakra etc.
(iii) Over Payments/Recovery of:
Any overpayment of pension coming to the notice or under process of recovery shall be adjusted in full by the Pension Disbursing Agencies against arrears becoming due on revision of pension on the basis of these orders.
(vi) Family Pension to be revised by PDAs:
(a) Special Family Pension
(b) Dependent Pension (continuance of Special Family Pension)
(c) Second Life Award (continuance of Special Family Pension) in respect of PBOR including Non Combatants (Enrolled)
(d) Liberalised Family Pension (LFP)
(e) Dependent Pension (continuance of Liberalised Family Pension)
(f) Second Life Award (continuance of Liberalised family pension) in respect of PBOR including Non Combatants (Enrolled)
3. Guidelines for Revision of Family pension
3.1. For Commissioner Officers
The minimum guaranteed Special Family pension, Dependent Pension (continuance of Special), Liberalised Family pension, Dependent Pension (continuance of Liberalised) in respect of pre-2006 family pensioners of Commissioned officers has been determined with reference to the pay in the pay band corresponding to minimum of pre-revised pay scale as indicated under fitment tables annexed with SAI 2/S/2008 & SAI 4/S/2008 as amended and equivalent instructions for Navy & Air Force, plus Grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised scale from which the pensioner had retired/discharged/invalided out/died including Military Service Pay, under the same rates and conditions as prescribed vide GOI,MOD letter No. 17(4)/2008(1)/D (Pen/Pol)-Vol V dated 15.2.2011 accordingly.
A Table showing the minimum guaranteed Special Family pension, Dependent Pension (Special), Liberalised Family pension, Dependent Pension (Liberalised) in respect of pre-2006 family pensioners of Commissioned Officers has been prepared and enclosed as Table No. 1 to this circular.
4. For JCOs/ORs including Honorary Commissioned Officers and Non Combatants (Enrolled)
(i) Special Family Pension in respect of PBOR:
The minimum guaranteed Special Family pension (in case of JCOs/ORs) in respect of pre-2006 family pensioners of JCOs/ORs including Honorary Commissioned Officers and Non Combatants (Enrolled) and equivalent has been determined with reference to the pay in the pay band corresponding to minimum of pre-revised pay scale as indicated under fitment tables annexed with SAI 1/S/2008 as amended and equivalent instructions for Navy & Air Force, plus Grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised scale from which the pensioner had retired/discharged/invalided out/died including Military Service Pay, ‘X’ Group pay wherever applicable, under the same rates and conditions as prescribed vide Para 3 of GOI,MOD letter dated 15.2.2011. The rates of Special family pension in respect of pre-2006 JCOs/ORs family pensioners including Honorary Commissioned Officers and Non Combatants (Enrolled) has also been worked out as 120% of the revised notional pension determined vide GOI, MOD letter No.1(16)/2012/D (Pen/Policy) dated 17.01.2013. With effect from 24th Sep 2012, the Special family pension to pre- 2006 JCOs/ORs family pensioners shall be granted on the basis of family pension worked out as above or the minimum guaranteed pension, which ever is more beneficial.
Tables 5 to 7 Annexed to these circular shows the rate of Special Family Pension for different ranks of JCOs/ORs including Honorary Commissioned Officers of Army, Navy and Air Force.
(ii) Second Life Awards (continuance of Special Family Pension) in respect of PBOR including Non Combatants (Enrolled)
The 2nd life awards (continuance of special family pension) shall also be worked out as per the rates prescribed vide Para 5 of this Ministry’s above quoted letter dated 15.2.2011 in terms of the rates of Special family pension determined as above accordingly.
Tables 8 to 10 Annexed to this circular shows the rate of 2nd life award of Special Family pension for different ranks of JCOs/ORs including Honorary Commissioned Officers of Army, Navy and Air Force.
(iii) Liberalised Family Pension (LFP) applicable for PBOR The minimum guaranteed Liberalised Family pension in respect of pre-2006 family pensioners of JCOs/ORs including Honorary Commissioned Officers and Non Combatants (Enrolled), has been determined with reference to the pay in the pay band corresponding to minimum of pre-revised pay scale as indicated under fitment tables annexed with SAI 1/S/2008 as amended and equivalent instructions for Navy & Air Force, plus Grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised scale from which the pensioner had retired/discharged/invalided out/died including Military Service Pay, ‘X’ Group pay wherever applicable, under the same rates and conditions as prescribed vide Para 3 to 8 of this Ministry’s above quoted letter dated 15.2.2011.The rates of Liberalised family pension in respect of pre-2006 JCOs/ORs family pensioners including Honorary Commissioned Officers and Non Combatants (Enrolled) has also been worked out as 200% of the revised notional pension determined as per GOI, MOD letter No. 1(16)2012/D (Pen/Policy) dated 17th Jan 2013. With effect from 24th Sep 2012, the Liberalised family pension to pre- 2006 JCOs/ORs family pensioners shall be granted on the basis of family pension worked out above or the minimum guaranteed pension determined, which ever is more beneficial.
Tables 11 to 13 Annexed to this circular show the rate of Liberalised Family Pension for different ranks of JCOs/ORs including Hony commissioned officers of Army, Navy and Air Force.
(iv) Second Life Award (continuance of Liberalised Family Pension) in respect of PBOR including Non Combatants (Enrolled)
The 2nd life awards of liberalised family pension shall also be worked out as per the rates prescribed vide Para 8 of this Ministry’s above quoted letter dated 15.2.2011 in terms of the rates of Special/Liberalised family pension determined as above accordingly.
Tables 14 to 16 Annexed to this circular show the rate of 2nd life awards of family Pension for different ranks of JCOs/ORs including Hony commissioned officers of Army, Navy and Air Force
I. In case of Special Family Pension/Liberalised Family Pension, where the pension has been divided between two or more eligible members of the family, revised special family pension/Liberalised family pension worked out as above shall be divided in the same ratio in which it was initially divided but in no case total of the two shares exceed the entitlement as per tables.
II. Tables showing family Pension for different ranks of JCOs/ORs including Honorary Commissioned Officers and equivalent under minimum guaranteed family pension are annexed as Table No. 2 to 4 to this Circular. In case, individual died in service with qualifying service less than 15 years then SFP/LFP may be paid at the rate of the minimum guaranteed family pension.
III. Special/Liberalised Family pension for NOKs of DSC personnel are not provided to this circular. The family pensioner of DSC who is in receipt of family pension for DSC service only is to be revised on the same rates as given for family pensioner of Regular Army. DSC personnel on “clerical duty” and “other duty” are entitled for family pension of regular Army personnel of group “Y” and group “Z” respectively. Therefore, the PDAs should revise the rates of Family pension for families of DSC personnel as mentioned above.
5. All Pension Disbursing Authorities are authorized to revise/ update the family pension in respect of Commissioned Officers, JCOs/ORs and equivalent as per tables annexed to this circular for the existing rate of family pension if the same is more beneficial. All other terms and conditions for revision of family pension in respect of pre-2006 Armed Forces family pensioners drawing pension under casualty pensionary awards, which are not affected by the provisions of this letter, shall remain unchanged.
6. In case of Pre-2006 family pensioners drawing Special/Liberalised family pension/2nd Life awards of Special/Liberalised family pension in terms of provisions contained in Para 3 to Para 8 of this Ministry above mentioned letter dated 15.2.2011, happens to be more beneficial than the family pension determined in terms of these orders, no revision shall be carried out to the disadvantage of the family pensioner and he/she shall continue to draw the beneficial award.
7. The actual benefit accrued in terms of these orders shall be payable with effect from date 24 September 2012. No arrears on account of revision of family pension shall be admissible for the past period.
8. Dearness Relief: Dearness Relief shall be admissible on the revised rates at the rates sanctioned from time to time vide Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension (Deptt. of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare).
9. Additional Pension to the pensioner attaining 80 years of age and above-
The improved family pension will be basic family pension and therefore additional family pension available to old aged family pensioners on attaining the relevant age (80 years and above) shall also be revised by PDA at appropriate rate.
10. Other cases:
Cases to be referred to PSA –
10.1. Family pension in respect of JCOs/ORs to Territorial Army (TA) personnel irrespective of their qualifying service would also need to be revised in terms of these orders by Pension Sanctioning Authorities. Specific Table indicating revised rate of pension for the purpose have not been prepared. PDAs will refer such cases to PSAs concerned.
In cases, where the PDAs are in doubt regarding the revision in individual cases, the concrete cases with full details of pensioners and PPO number may also be referred to:-
(1) ARMY
1. Shri P. N. Chopra, IDAS Group Officer, Audit Section PCDA (P), Allahabad-211014
2. Shri K.K. Pandey , SAO OIC, G/4 (CSC-2012) PCDA (P), Allahabad-211014
(2) NAVY – Ms Juhi Verma, IDAS The PCDA (Navy), Mumbai-400039
(3)AIR FORCE – Dr.B, K.Singh, IDAS, JCDA The CDA (Air Force), New Delhi-110066
10.2. Now, the family pension has been linked with service pension of the individual, the initial Pension Payment Order (PPO) or its Corrigendum PPO (Corr PPO) under which Family pension has been sanctioned indicates rank, group and qualifying service of the individual. However, if any information regarding qualifying service, rank, group etc., is not available with Pension Disbursing Authorities, such cases may be referred to Pension Sanctioning Authority concerned on the proforma enclosed as Annexure-A to this circular.
10.3. However, any doubt / clarification regarding the rule position contained in the Government letter dated 17.01.2013 and this Circular may be referred to The PCDA (P), Allahabad -211014.
11. A suitable entry regarding revised pension should be made by the PDAs in Check Register/Payment Register/Pension Payment Scroll Register/ Pension Book/ Certificate. Where qualifying service for which pensioner was pensioned is not available in PPO ,therefore qualifying service as now intimated by PSA or accepted by the PDA from corroborative document shall be noted prominently for future reference.
12. A copy of this circular along with the Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1(16)2012/D(Pen/Policy) dated 17th Jan 2013 is also available on the website of this office .
13. All nodal agencies are requested to circulate this circular to all concerned in their jurisdiction. It is also requested that all PDAs may download the same from this office website for immediate implementation of the government orders to revise the pension with effect from 24.09.2012.
14. Hindi version will be followed shortly.
Please acknowledge receipt.
No. Grants/Tech/0167-XII (503)
Dated:-17th January 2013
Asstt. CDA (P)
Source: PCDA