Missing Entries in GPF accumulation of Subscribers – CGDA

Missing Entries in GPF accumulation of Subscribers – CGDA Order dated 05.12.2023
Office of Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.- 110010
No. ABTDL-4462/42/2022-PAYC
Dated: 05.12.2023
All Fund Maintaining Controllers/DDP Contrtollers
Subject: Missing Entries in GPF accumulation of Subscribers
Of late, several no. of grievance cases have come into light wherein inaccurate and delayed GPF settlement, along with interest, has been noticed. This is mainly due to missing credits/over credits during the tenure of their service. At the time of superannuation such discrepancies are being corrected with a huge interest resulting in a dispute between the Fund Maintaining Controller and the subscriber(s) after superannuation.
2. The Fund Maintaining Controller always insist on the point that it is the duty of the subscriber(s) to bring into the notice of the Fund Maintaining Controller about any discrepancy. On the other hand, the subscriber complains about less payment at the time of their final settlement of GPF. In some cases the subscriber(s) are even approaching the higher authorities for resolution.
3. In this connection, it is advised to follow, strictly, DoP&PW OM No. 3/7/2020- P&PW(Desk-F) E.6574 dated 17.07.2020 (Copy enclosed).
4. This issues with approval of Sr. it. CGDA (System).
5. Please acknowledge receipt.
Source: CGDA