Implementation of SPARSH for Defence Civilian Pensioners

Implementation of SPARSH for Defence Civilian Pensioners – MES order CRO/4/15/SPARSH/ 51 /COORD dated 22.09.2021
Tele : 011-25682262
e-mail : [email protected]
Central Record Office (Officers)
Military Engineer Services
Tigris Road
Delhi Cantt -10
22 Sep 2021
ADG (NEI) Guwahati
ADG (D&C) Kirkee, Pune
AGE (N) Jammu (J&K)
ADG (Project) Chennai (TN)
HQ Chief Engineer (s)
Southern Command, PIN — 908541
Eastern Command, PIN — 908542
Western Command, PIN — 908543
Central Command, PIN — 908544
Northern Command, PIN — 908545
South West Command, PIN — 908546
1. Refer this office letter Nos CRO/4/01/SPARSH/25/E1 Coord dated 29 Jul 2021 & CRO/4/15/SPARSH/25/E1 Coord dated 23 Aug 2021.
2. It is intimated that, case was taken up at the highest level to extend the date of implementation of project ‘SPARSH’ in MES due to its peculiar organization structure but the same has not been agreed to.
3. In view of the above, all record offices (i.e. HQ CE Command for Subordinate staff and parent CWE for Industrial personal) may be directed to make a close liaison with PCDA (P) Allahabad for mapping of their respective offices with audit authorities and to obtain the User ID and Password to process the pension papers online under ‘SPARSH’. In the mean time the pension paper already submitted/processed may be collected/received back from the concerned audit office {PCDA/AAO/AO & PCDA (P) Allahabad} to process the same online.
4. As per the system ‘SPARSH’ the e-PPO shall be fwd automatically to the bank for releasing of pension/gratuity/commutation, but before that the concerned record office has to give release confirmation online in the system. Therefore the vigilance clearance is required before giving such confirmation. In case of Group ‘A’ officers the CRO is obtaining the vigilance clearance from Jt DG (D&V), E-in-C’s Br, but no such clearance is given in case of Group ‘B’ officers. Therefore, it become necessary that the unit concerned should give the vigilance for the Group ‘B’ officer to CRO through NIC mail to CRO NIC mail (i.e. [email protected]). The similar system can be evolved for the other record offices also.
5. It is again clarified that, henceforth pension papers will be processed only by respective record offices only (.e. CRO for Officers, HQ CE Command for Subordinate Staff & parent CWE for Industrial Staff) as per the mapping already done whether SB is centralized or not with the respective record offices.
6. In view of the above, all the record office should take immediate action accordingly.
(Naveen Kumar, IDSE)
CRO (Officers)
Copy to :-
TS to E-in-C – for info please.
TS to DG (Pers) – for info please.
Jt DG (TRI & Legal) – for info please.
O/o the CGDA – for info please.
Ulan Batar Road
Delhi Cantt-710
PCDA (P) Allahabad – for info please.
Automation Cell – Please upload the letter on the MES website in open domain.
Click here to view/download the pdf
Also check the following links related to this topic:
Implementation of SPARSH in respect of Defence Civilian Pensioners: PCDA(P)
Implementation of SPARSH for Defence pensioners – PCDA Circular
Implementation of SPARSH for Defence Civilian Pensioners – PCDA(P)