Documents required to be submitted for claiming Ration Money Allowance in respect of Army/Service Officers: CDA

Documents required to be submitted for claiming Ration Money Allowance in respect of Army/Service Officers: CDA, Guwahati Circular dated 31.08.2022
No. SC/I/Estt./Vol-XXVI
DT- 31.08.2022
Important Circular No: 121
Sub: Documents required to be submitted for claiming Ration Money Allowance in respect of Army/Service Officers.
It has been observed while auditing and making payment of Ration Money bill in respect of the Army/Service Officers that a large numbers of bills are returned for resubmission due to lack of documents or other audit requirements. As a result the passing of officers’ legitimate RMA claims get delayed. This may be reduced to a large extent in case the required documents are attached. It is therefore requested to kindly ensure the following while forwarding the RMA claims in respect of Service officers posted in various units/formations.
- Consolidated claim on Contingent bill in duplicate in respect of the officers borne on the posted strength of a particular unit/ formation is to be prepared once in a month after getting it countersigned by OC/CO of the unit.
- Supported by a stamped receipt of appropriate value in respect of officers whose payment is Rs. 5000/- and above.
- One copy of Non drawl certificate issued by respective QM in respect of each officer is required to be attached.
- Nominal roll in triplicate.
- Copy of DO II in support of the claim clearly notifying the casualty like Annual Leave, Casual leave and other contingencies etc. during which the RMA is admissible.
- Special Ration Allowance (SRA) will be admissible in respect of the Formations/units/sub units located/ being inducted in location above 12000 feet for the period of the stay for deployment/exercise/training/operational moves and in case of other casualties as defined in GoI, Ministry of Defence, letter No. PC/12045/Q/ST6/Common Ration/1411/D(QS)/2019 dated 04.04.2019.
- If the officer avail Casual Leave, requisite certificate is to be attached to the effect that the officer spends his casual leave away from the duty station during CL.
- Prior sanction of station commander is required in respect of the following exceptional circumstances.
- Where the officer stays under own arrangement in far opt places and it is inconvenient for them to draw ration in kind or
- When it is difficult for Depot to supply ration in kind due to administrative reasons.
- Movement order of journey period.
- T-wing intimation memo from PCDA(O) Pune specifically mentioning claim periods is to be attached in case of any officer claiming RMA of Course period/Tour and DA has been restricted.
- For claims pertaining to joining time, in case of Posting from other unit, Last Ration Certificate (LRC) issued by the previous unit is required to be attached.
- Name of the banker and Public Fund Account No. of the unit to be endorsed on the contingent bill.
- In case of movement of a unit from one command to another, Last Audit Certificate (Ration Report) from previous PCDA/Controller is required to be furnished. Further in case of newly raised unit the relevant letter of Army HQ’s/MoD is to be attached.
- Any other relevant documents pertaining to such claims.
In addition to that the following certificate shall be attached with the each claim.
a) No similar claim was preferred earlier. |
b) No free messing was provided during the period of the claim.
c) The officers were not issued with free rations for the period of the claim.
d) None of the officers was hospitalized during the period of claim.
In view of the above it is requested to ensure that the RMA claims are submitted to this office after following the above audit requirements for smooth payment of the claims.
It is further requested to disseminate this circular to all the units/formations under your administrative control with specific instructions to ensure the above mentioned points before submitting the claims so that RMA claims are received in this office in a standardized manner obviating avoidable correspondences and timely payment to the Service Officers in this regard.
This circular also may be downloaded by various unit/formation from the CDA Guwahati Web-site ( circular/order under the menu view all.
Asst. Controller (SC-1)