Check list for the Submission of Immovable/Movable Property case for intimation under Rule 18 of CCS(Conduct) Rule 1964: CGDA

Check list for the Submission of Immovable/Movable Property case in respect of SAOs/AD(OL)/SPS for intimation under Rule 18 of CCS(Conduct) Rule 1964: CGDA
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.- 110010
No. AN/I/2605/Misc/Imm-Mov
Dated: 05.01.2024
(Through E-mail & WAN)
Subject: Check list for the Submission of Immovable/Movable Property case in respect of SAOs/AD(OL)/SPS for intimation under Rule 18 of CCS(Conduct) Rule 1964.
Of late it has been observed that cases of acquisition/disposal of Immovable/Movable property by SAOs/AD(OL)V/SPS are received without proper scrutiny by PCsDA/CsDA/PIFA/IFAs and also without requisite documents etc. This has often resulted delay in processing of cases and also lead to avoidable correspondance. Therefore, in order to avoid such delay in processing these cases the folloing check points may please be ensured while sending the case to HQrs office for approval to the Competent Authorities.
1) Each column of Form I & Form -II should be filled up properly/completely along with supporting documents.
2) In support of Bank Loan, Sanctioned letter duly signed and stamped by Bank Authority should be enclosed instead of the print out of Loan application/Offer letter of the Bank.
3) The officer should enclose his/her latest months’ pay slip in support of Take Home Salary.
4) In case, one of sources of finance is personal savings, then copy of saving Bank account in Support should invariably be enclosed and ensure that sufficient fund was available in his/her account at the time of the transaction.
5) In case of joint acquisition (with spouse or any other relative) the source of income of Co- applicant should also be intimated along with supporting documents.
6) If interest free loan is taken from relatives, then NOC from them along with their source of income should also require to be submitted. If feasible the Same should be received either through Cheque or direct credit in officer’s account through electronic mode (with copy of Bank statement enclosed) duly indicating the receipt of amount from relative.
7) If GPF withdrawal is also a source of finance, then it may be ensured that withdrawal of the requisite fund is available at credit in GPF statement and admissible as per the authorization under rules (i.e. Maximum of 90% of amount in GPF Balance).
8) Total cost of immovable property in Form-I should also include registration charges and other statutory charges and the same should be indicated separately.
9) In case of acquisition of movable property(Vehicle) if one source of fund is amount received/adjusted in respect of disposal of old vehicle (whose prior intimation was taken by the officer) the credit note/adjustment documents from buyer/agency should also be enclosed
10) Copy of Agreement to Sale/Purchase of the immovable property should be enclosed.
11) It is often seen that application received from SAOs are sent to the HQrs office after a gap of considerable time. The same should be forwarded to the HQrs office within 07 days of receipt from SAOs concerned .
Receipt of the Circular may please be acknowledge.
(Sushil Riyar)