Constant Attendance Allowance on Monthly basis with Disability Pension

Constant Attendance Allowance on Monthly basis with Disability Pension / War Injury Pension to Armed forces Personnel

Controller of Accounts (Pensions) has issued a circular on Payment of Constant Attendance Allowance (CAA) on monthly basis with Disability Pension/ War Injury Pension to Armed Forces Personnel.


Circular No. 543                                                                                  Dated: 27.05.2015


1.  The Chief  Accountant,   RBI, Deptt.  Of  Govt.  Bank  Accounts,   Central  office  C-7, Second Floor, Bandre- Kurla Complex, PB No. 8143, Bandre East Mumbai- 400051

2.  All CMDs, Public Sector Banks including  IDBI Bank

3.  Nodal Officers, ICICI/ HDFC/ AXIS/ IDBI Banks

4.  Managers, All CPPCs

5.  Military and Air Attache, Indian Embassy, Kathmandu, Nepal

6.  The PCDA (WC), Chandigarh

7.  The CDA (PD), Meerut

8.  The CDA, Chennai

9.  The Director of Treasuries, All States.

10. The Pay and Accounts Officer, Delhi Administration,  RK puram and Tis Hazari, New Delhi

11. The Pay and Accounts Office, Govt of Maharashtra, Mumbai

12. The Post Master Kathua (J&K)

13. The Pr. Pay and Accounts Officer, Andaman and Nicobar Administration,  Port Blair

Subject:    Payment  of  Constant   Attendance   Allowance   (CAA)  on  monthly   basis  with Disability Pension/ War Injury Pension to Armed Forces Personnel.

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A copy of the Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No. 1 (2)/2013-D(Pen/ Pol) dated 2th  April’  2015  is enclosed herewith for information and necessary action which is self explanatory.

2.        In  terms of Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence letter dated 271h   April’ 2015, Constant Attendance  Allowance  (CAA) shall  be paid on monthly  basis during  the period  of award along with disability/ war injury  pension to Armed  Forces Pensioner  as the case may be.

3.        Concerned Armed Forces Pensioners shall submit a declaration on the format enclosed as Annexure with said Govt. letter to their Pension Disbursing Agency (PDA) at the time of initial payment of CAA and thereafter on annual basis at the time of his/ her annual identification.

4.         During initial declaration, pensioner shall stat in item Ill of the Annexure that he/ she will employ an attendant for the upcoming one year or up to the date for which CAA has been sanctioned, whichever is earlier. During subsequent annual declaration, pensioner would also complete item II   of the Annexure providing a declaration for the period from the date of last declaration.

5.         Payment  made against  declaration  under  item  Ill  of Annexure  shall  be treated  as provisional and would be final on submission of subsequent declaration under item II.

6.        In  case a  pensioner drawing CAA  becomes  inpatient in any  Government  Hospital/ Institution or is gainfully employed, he shall immediately report the matter to the PDA. Since CAA is being paid on the basis of annual declaration, any over payment on account of CAA noticed with reference to the declaration quoted above, shall be adjusted from monthly pension due to the pesioner.

7.         All other terms  and conditions  for grant  and Payment  of Constant  Attendance  Allowance (CAA) which  are not affected  by this order,  shall remain  unchanged.

8.         This  may please  be given wide  publicity.

9.         This  circular  has  been  uploaded   on  PCDA  (P) website         for dissemination   across  the Defence  pensioners  and PDAs.


Dated:  27.05.2015

(G K Baranwal)

Dy. Controller  (Pensions)

No 1 (2)/2013-D(Pen/Pol)
Government   of India
Ministry of Defence

New Delhi,  Date:   27th    April   2015


The   Chief   of Army    Staff

The   Chief   of Naval    Staff

The   Chief  of Air   Staff

Subject:  Payment  of Constant  Attendance   Allowance  (CAA) on monthly  basis  with disability  pension  to Armed Forces   personnel  – Reg.




The  undersigned    is directed  to state  that  as per  Regulation   89 of Pension Regulation    for the  Army   Part-I  (Edn-2008)   and  equivalent   provisions    in Navy and    Air    Force    Pension      Regulations,     payment     of    Constant     Attendance Allowance   is made  in arrears  twice  in a year  along  with  disability   pension/   war injury    pension    on   the   basis    of  declaration/certificate   submitted     by   the pensioner   to  his/  her  pension   disbursing   agency  (PDA)   in May  and November each  year  subject  to fulfillment    of other  prescribed   conditions.

2.         Keeping   in view  of the hardships   being   faced  by the  disabled    pensioners in  claiming   Constant   Attendance   Allowance,   Government    was  reviewing   the said  provision    from   quite   some   time.    Jn    partial   modification     of  (he above provision,    the  President    is   now   pleased     to  decide   that   henceforth    Constant Attendance    Allowance     shall   be  paid   on  monthly   basis   during   the  period   of award  along  with  disability   or war  injury  pension  as the case  may  be.  ·

3.    Concerned    Armed   Forces   Pensioners    shall   submit   a  declaration    on  the format  enclosed   as Annexure   with   this order  to their  pension   disbursing   agency at the  time  of  initial payment   of CAA and   thereafter  on annual  basis  at the time of his/her   annual  identification.     During initial   declaration   pensioner shall state  in  item HI of the  Annexure  that he/she will employ an  attendant for the upcoming   one year or up to  the  date for   which  CAA  has  been   sanctioned,    whichever   is earlier.  During subsequent    annual   declarations     pensioner    would   also   complete   item  II  of  the Annexure  providing  a declaration     for the  period  from  the  date  of  last   declaration. Payment  made  against  declaration    under   item   II   of Annexure  shall  be treated  as provisional and  would  be final  on submission of subsequent declaration under item  ll.

4.           In  case   a  pensioner    drawing    CAA   becomes    inpatient    in   any   Government Hospital  / Institution  or is gainfully employed,  he shall immediately  report the matter to  the  PDA.  Since,   CAA  is  being   paid  on  the  basts  of  annual declaration,   any over payment  on account  of CAA  noticed  with  reference  to the  declaration  quoted above, shall be adjusted from the monthly  pension due to the pensioner.

5.           All other terms and conditions  for grant and payment of Constant  Attendance Allowance  which  are  not  affected  by this  order,   shall  remain  unchanged.  Pension Regulations   of the three Services shall  be amended in due course.

6.         This  issues  with the concurrence of Finance division  of this Ministry vide their  lD. No.  10(08)/2014/Fin/Pen    dated 09/04/2015.

Hindi version will follow.

Yours faithfully

(Prem Prakash)
Under  Secretary to the Government of India

Download Controller of Accounts (Pensions) Circular No.543 dated 27.05.2015

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