7th Pay Commission MACP to JCO and OR Defence Personnel

7th Pay Commission MACP to JCO and OR Defence Personnel – 7th CPC MACP Financial Upgradation for JCO/OR
7th Pay Commission MACP to JCO and OR Defence Personnel
The scheme of MACP Financial Upgradation for JCO/OR after implementation of 7th Central Pay Commission will be followed as given below…
MACP : A direct recruited Sep, Hav or JCO will be entitled to min three financial upgradations after 8, 16 and 24 years of service. At the time of each financial upgradation under MACP, the JCO/OR would get an addl increment and next higher Pay in the hierarchy. The following MACP would be entitled to JCOs/OR recruited under direct entry:-
(a) Sep.
(i) Entitled to first financial upgradation of pay of the rank of Naik on completion of 8 yrs of service.
(ii) Second financial upgradation of pay of the rank of Hav on completion of 16 yrs of service.
(iii) Third financial upgradation of pay of the rank of Nb Sub on completion of 24 yrs of service.
(b) Direct Entry Hav.
(i) A direct entry Hav would be entitled to first financial upgradation of pay of the rank of Nb Sub on completion of 8 yrs of service.
(ii) Second financial upgradation of pay of the rank of Sub on completion of 16 yrs of service.
(iii) Third financial upgradation of pay of the rank of Sub Maj on completion of 24 yrs service.
(c) A Direct Entry JCO will be entitled to first financial upgrdation in Level 7 to the rank of Subedar on completion of 8 years of service, second financial upgradation in Level 8 to the rank of Subedar Major on completion of 16 years of service and third financial upgradaion in Level 9 on completion of 24 years of service. This is subject to the condition that the third financial upgradation does not take them beyond the age of superannuation for JCOs in terms of maximum period of service allowed and age of retirement / release.
Auth : Adm Instrs for grant of MACP issued by PS-2(c) vide their letter No B/33513/ACP/AG/PS-2(c) dated 13 Jun 2011 and MoD ID No 1(13)/2011-D(Pay/ Services) dated 30 Jun 2014.
7th CPC MACP Financial Upgradation for JCO/OR – Illustration
(a) If a Sep in Level 3 gets his first regular promotion to the rank of Nk in Level 4 on completion of 5 years of service and then continues in the same Level for further 8 years without any promotion then he would be eligible for second upgradation under the MACP Scheme in the Level 5 after completion of 13 years (5+8 years).
(b) In case he does not get any promotion thereafter, then he would get third upgradation under the MACPs in Level 6 on completion of further 8 years of service i.e after 21 years (5+8+8).
Auth : Adm Instrs for grant of MACP issued by PS-2(c) vide their letter No B/33513/ACP/AG/PS-2(c) dated 13 Jun 2011 and MoD ID No 1(13)/2011-D(Pay/ Services) dated 30 Jun 2014.