7th Pay Commission International Travel entitlement by Air or Sea

7th Pay Commission International Travel entitlement by Air or Sea – 7th CPC Military Brochure – International Travel Entitlement by Air,by Sea or by River Steamer
7th Pay Commission International Travel entitlement by Air or Sea – Military Brochure
International Travel Entitlements by Air
Level |
Travel Entitlement |
17 and above | First Class |
14 to 16 | Business/Club class |
13B, 13A, 13 and below | Economy class |
Auth : GoI, MoD letter No 12630/Mov C/242/D (Mov)/ 2017 dated 15 Sep 2017.
Entitlement for Journey by Sea or by River Steamer
Level | Travel Entitlement |
9 and above | Highest Class |
5A to 8 | Lower class if there be two classes only on the steamer |
4 and 5 | If two classes only, the lower class. If three classes, the middle or second class. If there be four classes, the third class |
3 and below | Lowest class |