Outreach plan to soon-to-be-retiring/retired employees, who are yet to submit their ‘Anubhav write-ups’ – DOPPW June 6, 2023
OROP: Separate table No. 8 issued for post 01.01.2016 retired JCOs/ORs who were drawing Group X pay @ Rs. 6200/- after implementation of 7th CPC recommendation May 31, 2023
First Credit of pension on the basis of e-PPO into the account of the pensioner /family pensioner followed by subsequent verification with physical PPOs May 26, 2023
Pre-Retirement Counseling Workshop and Pension Adalat – Address of V.Srinivas, IAS Secretary DOPPW May 23, 2023
Clarification on calculation of ex-gratia for the employees of CPSEs following IDA pattern retired on or after 01.10.2020 and upto 30.6.2021: DPE May 17, 2023
Applications for Validation of Option / Joint Options – Deposit / Transfer of due contribution with interest into Pension Fund: EPFO May 17, 2023
Effecting certain provisions of the Code on Social Security, 2020 in respect of Employees’ Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952 and EPS’ 1995 May 9, 2023
1.16% increased contribution from employer’s share into the Pension Fund on salary exceeding Rs.15,000/- May 9, 2023