Discontinuation/Recovery of HPCA/ PCA from the Civilian Health Workers under MOD during Corona-19 November 15, 2021
Processing and payment of TA/DA claims on Temporary Duty on account of special situation of COVID19 Pandemic November 14, 2021
Extension of deadline for filling up of Self Appraisal through e-APAR module of HRMS November 13, 2021
Observance of “Armed Forces Flag Day” on 7th December – Contribution to the AFFDF: Railway Board November 13, 2021
Fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion/NFSG i.r.o. officials who benefited under MACP Scheme: DOPT November 13, 2021
Revised Training Module of Non-Gazetted Staff of Personnel Department: Railway Board November 13, 2021
Inclusion of HRA, Transport Allowance & SFA for the purpose of calculating Overtime Allowance November 12, 2021
Carry over of All India Leave Travel Concession (AILTC) of a block of Four years to the First year of next block November 12, 2021