Promulgation of an Ordinance to amend the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 in the light of the pandemic situation of COVID-19 April 24, 2020
HRD Minister launches national program VidyaDaan 2.0 for inviting e-learning Content contributions April 23, 2020
Cabinet approves Rs. 15,000 Crore for ”India COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health System Preparedness Package” April 23, 2020
Confederation of Central Government Employees writes for early payment of DA increase April 22, 2020September 21, 2021
Standing by Delhi Police, Railways make arrangements to provide 10000 water bottles per day to Delhi Police personnel on COVID duty April 22, 2020
Functioning of the Benches of the Central Administrative Tribunal will remain suspended till 03.05.2020 April 22, 2020
KendriyaVidyalayaSangathan has taken various steps to contribute in the on-going fight against COVID-19 April 21, 2020