Postal Supervisors’ Association Submits Key Suggestions for 8th CPC Recommendations

The Bharatiya Postal, RMS, Administrative Supervisors Association (Group B) has formally submitted its recommendations for consideration in the 8th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Addressing the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances, and Pensions, the association has outlined several key demands to ensure fair compensation, structural reforms, and welfare measures for Postal Supervisors and Postmasters across India.
Major Recommendations for 8th CPC
The association, representing Group B Supervisors in the Department of Posts, emphasized the crucial role played by postal employees in implementing government flagship projects. As part of their submission, the association has called for the inclusion of the following key aspects in the 8th CPC framework:
1. Pay Structure, Allowances, and Retirement Benefits
- A revision of pay scales, allowances, and welfare measures.
- Retirement benefits, including pension and gratuity, for all central government employees.
- Consideration for New Pension Scheme (NPS) and Unified Pension Scheme employees.
2. Fixation of Minimum Pay Based on Living Wage Formula
- Implementation of the “Decent and Dignified Living Wage” concept as per 15th Indian Labour Conference recommendations.
- Use of the Dr. Aykroyd formula, modified to reflect recent economic changes and Supreme Court rulings.
3. Equal Work Conditions & Compensation for Saturday Work
- Abolishing discrimination in workdays: Some employees work 5 days a week while others work 6 days, despite having the same pay scales.
- Either introduce a uniform 5-day workweek or compensate extra work by:
- 2 months’ additional salary per year, or
- 52 days Earned Leave (EL) credit.
4. Pay Matrix Restructuring for Better Promotions
- Ensuring substantial pay hikes for promotions under the Pay Matrix system.
- Addressing the Pay Level 6 to 7 promotion issue, where only a notional increment is given without an actual difference in pay.
5. Addressing Pay Anomalies Between Similar Cadres
- Vertical and Horizontal pay discrepancies between similar cadres.
- Example: Lower Selection Grade Supervisors remain at Grade Pay Rs. 2800 (Pay Level 5), while Inspector Posts were upgraded to Rs. 4600 (Pay Level 7).
6. Introduction of a 5-Stage Assured Promotion System
- Implementing a 5-stage assured career progression instead of the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACP).
7. Reforms in MACP Scheme
- Excluding non-hierarchy promotions (Examination Quota) from MACP calculations.
- Only considering Hierarchy (Seniority Quota) promotions.
8. Regular Cadre Restructuring
- Every cadre should be restructured every five years to maintain steady career progression.
- Immediate attention to Railway Mail Service (RMS) cadre restructuring.
9. Ensuring Pension Stability
- Rationalizing the Unified Pension Scheme with:
- A nominal benchmark corpus to ensure 50% assured pension.
- Lump sum payments for UPS employees with GPF contributions.
10. Mandatory Annual Training Programs
- A four-week residential training program every year for Group A, B, and C employees to enhance skill development.
11. Introduction of a Common Promotion Policy
- Standardized promotion criteria across departments:
- 50% Seniority Quota
- 50% LDC Exam Quota
12. Revamping LTC (Leave Travel Concession)
- Introduction of one flight journey per LTC block in All-India travel.
13. Enhancement of Educational Benefits
- Upgrading Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy to Post-Graduation level.
14. Extension of CGHS Benefits
- Expanding Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) for cashless treatment.
15. Higher Pay Scales for Qualified Cadres
- Educationally qualified postal assistants and sorting assistants should receive higher pay grades.
16. Granting Gazetted Status to Certain Posts
- Department of Posts’ DDOs (Drawing & Disbursing Officers) should be given gazetted status.
17. Resolution of Pending Grade Pay Issues
- Implementation of Rs. 5400 Grade Pay for HSG I NFG cadre after four years of service.
18. Strengthening the Role of Supervisors
- Enhancing the financial and administrative powers of Selection Grade Supervisors for better workforce management.
The Bharatiya Postal, RMS, Administrative Supervisors Association (Group B) has urged the government to incorporate these concerns in the 8th CPC recommendations, emphasizing the crucial role of postal staff in national governance. The proposals aim to bring equity, transparency, and financial stability to the Department of Posts.
The letter has also been marked to Shri Parveen Jargar, Deputy Secretary (JCA), Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions for further consideration.
View original letter below: