Grant of two increments RBSS/RBSSS on promotion from Level-11 to Level-12 in 7th CPC context

Grant of two increments for Railway Board Secretariat Service (RBSS)/Railway Board Secretariat Stenographers Service (RBSSS) officers on promotion from Level-11 to Level-12 in 7th CPC context
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
PC-VII No. 176
File No. PC-VII/2019/RSRP/2
RBE No. 69/2021
New Delhi, dated: 28/09/2021
Sub: Fixation of pay of Railway Board Secretariat Service (RBSS)/Railway Board Secretariat Stenographers Service (RBSSS) officers at the time of promotion from the grade of Under Secretary/Dy. Director/Pr. Private Secretary to the grade of Dy. Secretary/Jt. Director/Sr. Principal Private Secretary — in context of 7 CPC pay structure regarding.
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) vide their O.M. No. 18/03/2008-CS.I(P) dated 22.06.2021 (copy enclosed) conveyed approval of the Competent Authority for continuation of the benefit of two increments to Deputy Secretary/Senior Principal Private Secretary on promotion from Under Secretary/Principal Private Secretary in 7th CPC context.
2. President is pleased to decide that these orders shall apply mutatis mutandis for the Railway Board Secretariat Service (RBSS)/Railway Board Secretariat Stenographers Service (RBSSS) Officers at the time of their promotion from the grade of Under Secretary/Deputy Director/Principal Private Secretary (Level-11) to the grade of Deputy Secretary/Joint Director/Senior Principal Private Secretary (Level-12) in 7th CPC context.
3. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
Encl. As above.
(Jaya Kumar G)
Dy. Director, Pay Commission-VII & HRMS
Railway Board
Copy to :-
Pay & Accounts Officer,
Ministry of Railways,
Railway Board, New Delhi.
File No. PC-VII/2019/RSRP/2 New
Delhi, dated: 28/09/2021
Copy to the A.D.A.I., Railways, New Delhi.
For Member (Finance), Railway Board
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