7th Pay Commission Pension for Pre-2016 Pensioners – CPAO instructions

7th Pay Commission Pension for Pre-2016 Pensioners – Implementation of 7th CPC Recommendation on Revision of Pension of Pre 01.01.2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners
Pay Commission Pension for Pre-2016 Pensioners – CPAO circular on Revision of Pension of Pre 01.01.2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners
CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision(7th CPC)/19 Vol-III/2016-17/61
Office Memorandum
Subject: Implementation of 7th CPC Recommendation on Revision of Pension of Pre 01.01.2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners
Attention is invited to this office OM No.CPAO/ lT&Tech/Revision (7th CPC)/19 (Vol-III)/ 2016-17/ 37 dated 25th May, 2017 on the subject mentioned above and DP&PW OM 38/37/2016-P&PW (A) dated 12th May, 2017 and Department of Expenditure OM No. 1(13)/EV/2017 dated 23rd May, 2017.
2. As per para 18 of the DP&PW OM dated 12th May, 2017, pensions under 7th CPC are to be revised after fixing the notional pay of the pensioners under 7’h CPC pay matrix. The Head of Office (HOO) is responsible for the notional pay fixation and issue revised authority. The revised authority will be issued under the existing PPO number and would travel to the Pension Disbursing Authority through the same channel through which the original PPO travelled.
3. As mandated under Department of Expenditure OM dated 23rd May, 2017, CPAO has provided the list/data of all the live pension cases available in CPAO alongwith details of last pay (wherever available) which are due for pension revision under 7th CPC to the Pay and Accounts Officers (FAQs) in their logins on 31.05.2017 under CPAO website my.cpao.nic.in for onward distribution to HOOs/DDOs within 3 days. It is observed that the list has still not been made available by some of the PAOs to the concerned HOOs/DDOs within 3 days as required and reiterated in the CPAO OM dated 25th May, 2017. This issue was also an agenda item in the meeting held under the chairmanship of Controller General of Accounts on 28th June, 2017 to review the progress of revision of pension under the 7th CPC. The slow progress in the revision of pension and non-adherence to timelines may lead to unnecessary delay and it is requested that the exercise of sharing the list with HOOs, wherever not done, may be completed immediately.
4. This list has also been provided under dashboards of respective Joint Secretaries (Admin.)/ Admin incharge of the Ministries/ Departments on CPAO website who may also distribute the list of pension cases to the HOOs falling in their administrative control. JS (Admin.)/ Admin incharge of the Ministries/ Departments may monitor the progress of pension revision at HOOs level. Similarly Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs/Administrators of UTs may also keep a watch on the progress of the revision of cases received from HOOs to FAQs.
5. To facilitate effective monitoring of progress of revision at each level i.e. JS (Admin)/Pr (ICAs/ CCAs/ CAS etc., relevant progress reports have been made available on CPAO website under dashboards of respective authorities. On the basis of these reports, periodical review meetings may be held at the Ministry/Deptt./Organization level.
6. In view of the above Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs/AGs/JS (Administration/Admin In-charge of the Ministries/ Departments/ Administrators of UPS are once again requested to take up the work of notional pay fixation followed by revision of pension cases on top priority and issue necessary instructions to the PAOs/HOOs/DDOS for timely submission/processing of revised pension cases and monitor the progress in this regard.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
(Md. Shahid Kamal Ansari)
(Asstt. Controller of Accounts)