7th Pay Commission Overtime Allowance from 1st January 2016 – Latest Position

7th Pay Commission Overtime Allowance from 1st January 2016 – Likely approval of MOD’s Proposal
7th Pay Commission had in its report recommended for abolition of Overtime Allowance in General. However, in respect of operational staff and industrial employees who are governed by statutory provisions OTA (Overtime Allowance) would be paid as recommended by 7th CPC.
7th Pay Commission also recommended that in case the government decides to continue with OTA for those categories of staff for which it is not a statutory requirement, then the rates of OTA for such staff should be increased by 50 percent from their current levels.
Government has decided that given the rise in the pay over the years, the recommendations of the 7th CPC to discontinue OTA for categories other than Operational Staff and industrial employees who are governed by statutory provisions may be accepted.
Checkout the following links for resolution issued by Govt on its decision on various allowances paid to Central Government Employees
7th Pay Commission Allowances implementation – Resolution
Overtime Allowance not to be continued – 7th Pay Commission report
While Govt had decided to continue with Overtime Time Allowance in respect of Operational Staff, DoPT has called for comments from all Departments to decide what constitutes “Operational Staff”.
Moreover, all the Employees Unions relating to Defence Industrial Employees and Railway Employees are demanding payment of Overtime Allowance with effect from 1st January 2016 on the 7th Pay Commission Pay Structure
7th Pay Commission revised Overtime Allowance from 1st January 2016 – NFIR Demand
Overtime Allowance as per 7th Pay Commission recommendations for Defence Industrial Employees
As detailed above, finalization of OTA in respect of Operational Staff Central Government Departments is under Process.
In the mean time, the General Secretary of AIDEF Shri. C. Shrikumar has informed the unions through his Federations’s Special circular dated 11.1.2018 that the Ministry Of Labour and Ministry of Law has approved the proposal of MOD for payment of Overtime wages from 01/01/2016 in the 7th CPC.
Revision of Overtime wages w.e.f. 01.01.2016 in 7th CPC pay scales
This is to inform you that Ministry Of Labour and Ministry of Law has approved the proposal Of MOD for payment of Overtime wages from 01/01/2016 in the 7th CPC pay scales to those employees who are governed under Factories Act 1948. MOD has now prepared the draft Govt. letter and has forwarded the same to the Defence Finance for their vetting. MOD order in this regard is expected very shortly.