7th Pay Commission implementation for ESIC Pensioners

Implementation of the recommendation of 7th Pay Commission in respect of ESIC pre-2016 pensioners and post 2016 pensioners.
ESIC to implement 7the CPC preparation & sanction of PPO/revision of PPO in r/o pre-2016 pensioners and post 2016 pensioners.
No.A-40/12/7th CPC/2016-A/cs-IV
Dated : 22.12.2016
All the Regional Directors/Dir.(I/c)/Jt.Dire(I/c) of Ros/SROs
Dir. (Med.) Delhi/NOIDA/K.K.Nagar
SSMC/SMC of all States.
Dean of all Medical/Dental Educational Institutions.
Medical Superintendents of ESI Hospitals/ESIC Model Hospitals
Subject : Implementation of the recommendation of 7th CPC – reg
Please refer to E-III, Hqrs. Office Memo No.A-27/17/1/7th CPC/2016-E-III dt.01.11.2016 on the above subject. In this connection, the detailed procedure for preparation & sanction of PPO/revision of PPO in r/o pre-2016 pensioners and post 2016 pensioners by the competent authority are as detailed below:
1. For Pre-2016 retirees
a. In case of pensioners (pre-2016) who are drawing pension from Public Sector Banks, the concerned units (Regions / Hospitals / etc.) will authorize the Public Sector Banks for revising the pension / family pension by multiplying factor 2.57 in terms of Para 4.1 and 5 of Deptt. Of P&PW OM No.38/37/2016-P&PPW (A) (ii) dated 04.08.2016 (copy enclosed).
b. The pensioners (pre-2016) who are drawing pension concerned units (Regions / Hospitals / etc.), Head of Office will arrange for re-fixation for pension / family pension by multiplying factor 2.57 in terms of Para 4.1 and 5 of Deptt of P&PW OM No.38/37/2016-P&PPW (A) (ii) dated 04.08.2016.
c. A suitable entry regarding the revised pension / family pension shall be recorded by the Pension Disbursing Authorities (including Public Sector Banks) in both halves of the Pension Payment Order as stipulated in Para 9 of Deptt. of P&PW OM No.38/37/2016-P&PPW (A) (ii) dated 04.08.2016.
d. In order to have effective monitoring of implementation as envisaged in Agenda No. I (3) of Minutes of Meeting issued by Central Pension Accounting Office, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India vide letter dated 30.08.2016 (copy enclosed), after issuing authorisation for pension revision in case of pre-2016 retirees, the Deputy Director (Fin.) / Assistant Director (Fin.) of concerned units (Regions / Hospitals / etc.) shall check & verify the amount disbursed on account of revised pension / family pension from pension scroll as received from banks in respect of each pensioner. In case of any discrepancy the same shall be brought to the notice of concerned bank immediately to ensure timely correction of such discrepancies at the earliest.
e. As stipulated in Agenda No. I (4) of Minutes of Meeting issued by Central Pension Accounting Office, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India vide letter dated 30.08.2016 regarding report of revision of cases, in all above cases a certificate along with calculation sheet will be sent by Head of Office of concerned units (Regions / Hospitals / etc.) to Accounts-IV Branch of ESIC Hqrs. Office stating that due care was taken and correctness has been ascertained and also corrective action has been taken thereof.
2. For Post-2016 retirees
a. A reference is also invited to Deptt. Of P&PW OM No.38/37/2016-P&PPW (A) (i) dated 04.08.2016 (copy enclosed) regarding revision of pension of post-2016 pensioners/family, in case of pensioners whose pension was finalized under 6th CPC need to be revised under 7th CPC recommendations after doing the pay fixation under 7th CPC by concerned / respective units (Regions / Hospitals / etc.). Accordingly, for Group C,on pay fixation under 7th CPC, the concerned units will revise above mentioned pension cases of post-2016 retirees and issue revised PPOs after following the due procedures and pre-audit. The concerned units will also calculate the differential amount of gratuity, commutation, etc., based on the revision of each pension cases under 7th CPC recommendations. A separate committee may be constituted at unit level who will verify the pension revision as per 7th CPC / pre-audit each pensioner cases. In all cases a certificate along with calculation sheet will be sent by Head of Office of concerned units (Regions / Hospitals / etc.) to Accounts-IV Branch of ESIC Hqrs. Office stating that due care was taken and correctness has been ascertained and also corrective action has been taken thereof.
b. Similarly, in case of Group A & B, the concerned units (Regions / Hospitals / etc.) will ensure timely preparation of revised pension papers (based on pay fixation under 7th CPC) along with calculation sheet in accordance with the instructions contained in Deptt. Of P&PW OM No.38/37/2016-P&PPW (A) (i) dated 04.08.2016 (copy enclosed) regarding revision of pension of post-2016 pensioners/family for submission to Accounts-IV Branch of ESIC Hqrs. Office for further issue of revised PPOs. In these cases, Accounts-IV Branch of ESIC Hqrs. Office will ensure the compliance of pre-audit of each and individual cases of revision of pension before issue of revised PPOs
It is to further mention that units who have already initiated / undertaken the revision of pension/family pension in reference to E-III, Hqrs. Office Memo No.A-27/17/1/7th CPC/201.6-E-III dt.01.11.2016 on the above subject are also required to comply with the above procedure at once.
This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
Yours faithfully,
Download ESIC Circular No.A-40/12/7th CPC/2016-A/cs-IV Dated 22.12.2016