7th CPC for Teachers and other Academic Staff of Technical Institutions (Degree/Diploma)

AICTE Notification regarding clarification on certain Issues/ Anomalies in 7th CPC for Teachers and other Academic Staff of Technical Institutions (Degree/Diploma)
New Delhi, the 20th May, 2020
Clarifications on Certain Issues/Anomalies in 7th CPC pertaining to Qualifications, Pay Scales, Service Conditions, Career Advancement Schemes (CAS)/promotions etc. for Teachers and other Academic Staff of Technical Institutions (Degree/Diploma)
No. 61-3/RIFD/7thCPC/2016-17.—In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (i) of Section 23 read with Section 10 (g), (h) and (i) of the All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987), the All India Council for Technical Education makes the following regulations:
I. Short title, Applications and Commencement: (a) These Regulations may be called All India Council for Technical Education Clarifications on certain issues / anomalies in 7th CPC pertaining to Qualifications, Pay Scales, Service Conditions Career Advancement Schemes(CAS)/promotions etc. for Teachers and other Academic Staff of Technical Institutions (Degree/Diploma), 2020. (b) These shall apply to Technical Institutions conducting technical educations and such other courses/programs and area notified by the Council from time to time. (c) These clarifications may be read in continuation of the norms / guidelines prescribed in the main Regulations dated 1st March 2019 issued by AICTE. |
II. General
AICTE had received several representations seeking clarifications on certain issues arising out of the implementation of AICTE Regulations No. 61-1/RIFD/7th CPC/2016-17 dated 1st March 2019 on revised Pay Scales, Service Conditions and Minimum Qualifications for the Teachers and other Academic Staff in Technical Institutions (Degree & Diploma) Regulations, 2019. |
Clarifications on the issues arising out of implementation of 7th CPC AICTE Notification dated 1st March 2019 (Degree & Diploma) are given below: |
Sr. No. | Issue | Clarification | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. | The post of workshop superintendent in Diploma level institutions is not included in AICTE Notification dated 01.03.2019 whereas the same has been included in degree notification dated 01.03.2019. The post of Workshop Superintendent should be at par with the Head of Department at Diploma Institution. | AICTE notification dated 05.03.2010 has treated workshop superintendents in diploma level institutions at par with Lecturers for upward mobility.Accordingly, the post of workshop superintendents in diploma level institutions will continue to be at par with Lecturers for the benefits of promotion applicable to Lecturers in the Notification dated 01.03.2019. For the purpose of clarity, the entry pay, levels and mode of recruitment for the post of workshop superintendent is as given in the Table-1 below.
However, the fundamental requirement of this entitlement is the parity in the qualifications with those of lecturers. Workshop Superintendents shall also be eligible to be selected as HoD and Principals through direct recruitment. |
TABLE – 1 Cadre Structure and Mode of Appointment
2. | Pay, qualifications and promotion channel for a cadre of librarians working in Diploma Institutions are not included in the AICTE notification dated 1st March 2019. | It is proposed that the similar structure as that of lecturer and workshop superintendent be followed for the cadre of Librarians in Diploma Institutions. However, the requirement of qualifications, trainings, number of years of service and other criteria will be required to be met at par with lecturers. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. | There is a discrepancy in the grant of non- compounded advance increment on acquiring Ph.D. Degree for Assistant Professor. The Junior Assistant Professor who joins after 01.01.2016 will get a higher salary than the person who joined earlier than him before 01.01.2016. This discrepancy needs to be removed. | CCS Rules take care of such anomaly.In such cases the stepping up should be done with effect from the date of promotion or appointment of the junior Government servant and will be subject to the following conditions, namely: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(a) Both the junior and the senior Government servants should belong to the same cadre and the posts in which they have been promoted are identical in the same cadre;(b) The level in the Pay Matrix of the lower and higher posts in which they are entitled to draw pay should be identical.
(c) The anomaly is directly as a result of the application of the provisions of Fundamental Rule 22(I)(a)(1) read with rule 13 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016. For example, if the junior officer was drawing more pay in the existing pay structure than the senior by virtue of any advance increments granted to him, the provisions of this sub-rule should not be invoked to step up the pay of the senior officer.‖ (DoPT letter no. 4/3/2017-Estt. (Pay-I) dated 26th October, 2018. |
4. | In pay matrix table (for Diploma institutions) the figures from cell No. 20 onwards does not increase @ 3% in pay. | The pay matrix table for Diploma institutions has been amended and the same is enclosed as Annexure- I. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5. | In Section 2.4 of the Notification (Diploma), the advantage of bunching of increments is missing. | The benefit of bunching may be extended to diploma level faculty.
Section 2.4 for Diploma teachers will be applicable as below. |
2.4 Pay Matrix and Fixation of Revised Pay For Fixation of pay of an Employee in the Pay Matrix as of 1st January 2016, the existing pay (Pay in Pay Band plus Academic Grade Pay) in the pre-revised structure as on 31st December, 2015 shall be multiplied by a factor of 2.57, rounded off to the nearest Rupee. The figure so arrived at, will be located at that level in the Pay Matrix and if such an identical figure corresponds to any cell in the applicable level of the Pay Matrix, the same shall be the pay, and if no such cell is available in the applicable level, the pay shall be fixed in the immediate next higher cell in that applicable level of the Pay Matrix. If the figure arrived at in this manner is less than the first cell on that level, then the pay shall be fixed at the first cell on that level of Pay Matrix. In cases where in revision of pay, the pay of Government Servant drawing pay at two or more stages in pre-revised Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale, as the case may be, get fixed at same Cell in the applicable Level in the new Pay Matrix, one additional increment shall be given for every two stages bunched and the pay of Government Servant drawing higher pay in the pre –revised structure shall be fixed at the next vertical cell in the applicable level as per Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No. 1- 6/2016-IC dated 7th September 2016. |
6. | Pay fixation in case of promotion is included in the degree notification, whereas the same is not included in Diploma notification. This may be included in Diploma notification also | Para 2.7 of AICTE Notification dated 01.03.2019 (Degree) dealing with pay fixation in case of direct recruitment/ promotion shall be applicable to diploma institutions which is reproduced below.Pay Fixation in the case of Direct Recruitment / Promotion:
The pay of employees appointed by direct recruitment on or after the 1st day of January 2016 shall be fixed at the minimum pay or the first cell in the level, applicable to the post to which such employee is appointed. In case of promotion, the candidate would be given a notional increment in his existing Level of Pay, by moving him/her to the next higher cell at that level. The pay shown in this cell would now be located in the new level corresponding to the post to which candidate has been promoted. If a cell identical with that pay is available in the new level, that cell shall be the new pay; otherwise the next higher cell at that level shall be the new pay of the employee. If the pay arrived at in this manner is less than the first cell in the new level, then the pay shall be fixed on the first cell of that level. |
7. | Consideration regarding change of nomenclature of designation of Diploma faculty as an Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Senior Associate Professor etc. The AICTE notification dated 01.03.2019 is silent on this issue. |
No. |
8. | To accord relaxation of FDP, industrial training, 360° feedback scores for granting of CAS benefits for those faculty members who are working in diverted capacity as this has not been included in para 6.6 of AICTE Notification dated 01.03.2019 (Degree/Diploma). | Relaxation in terms of FDP, Industrial training and 360° feedback and research publication requirement may be extended for faculty members working in diverted capacity for not more than a period of 3 years. However, having ACRs consistently above “Very Good” is necessary. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9. | The Clauses 1.4 (c) and 1.4 (d) of AICTE Notification dated 1st March 2019 are contradictory to each other and there is confusion about the crucial date of eligibility for CAS promotion under 6th CPC. | The clause 1.4 (d) of AICTE notification should be deleted. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10. | Whether the candidate having three years Bachelor degree in HMCT is eligible for the teaching post? | The candidates / incumbents having qualification of three years Bachelor degree in HMCT along with the other qualifications and experience as mentioned in the AICTE Gazette Notification dated 1st March 2019 are eligible for the purpose of recruitment and promotion under CAS provided that the candidate has confirmed admission in 3 years Bachelor’s programme in HMCT before publication of AICTE notification dated 1st March 2019 and produce an evidence of this admission. However, in all other cases qualifications published in AICTE Gazette dated 1st March 2019 shall be referred. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11. | What will be the constitution of the selection committee for the post of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor at University ? | The composition of the selection committee for promotion as well as direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor at University will be same as mentioned in Annexure-II, clause-I(a) at page 42 of Gazette Notification dated 1st March 2019.It may now be read as below: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I. For University Faculty Members: (a) The Selection Committee for promotion as well as direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor in the University shall have the following composition:(i) The Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice-Chancellor to be the Chairperson of the Selection Committee.
(ii) Three experts in the concerned subject nominated by the Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice Chancellor out of the panel of names approved by the relevant statutory body of the university concerned. (iii) Dean of the concerned Faculty, wherever applicable. (iv) Head / Chairperson of the Department / School (v) An academician nominated by the Visitor / Chancellor, wherever applicable. (vi) An academician representing SC / ST / OBC / Minority / Women / Differently-abled categories to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor or Acting Vice-Chancellor, if any of the candidates representing these categories is the applicant and if any of the above members of the selection committee does not belong to that category. (b) To constitute the quorum for the meeting, minimum five members out of which at least two must be from out of the three subject-experts. |
12. | For promotion to the post of Senior Professor, one of the requirements is to have at least one patent awarded OR development of at least one MOOC course on a national platform.However, it is not clear as to what will be the distribution of credits / weightages to individual faculty members developing MOOCs jointly for their consideration of promotion as Senior Professor. | Those who do not have patent in their name have an option of developing a MOOCs course on a national platform. It is clarified that, MOOCs jointly developed by 2 teachers is acceptable and each of the faculties developing a course jointly will get full credit / weightage if they develop a minimum of 20 hrs of MOOCs independently. |
13. | Is the option for teachers available to either choosing to take promotion under the existing rules or as per the provisions in the notification under 7th CPC as published by AICTE on 1st March 2019? | The criteria for promotions laid down under these Regulations shall be effective from the date of notification of these Regulations. However, to avoid hardship to those faculty members who have already qualified or are likely to qualify shortly under the existing regulations, a choice may be given to them, for being considered for promotions under the existing Regulations. This option can be exercised by Degree and Diploma teachers, both but only within three years from the date of notification of these Regulations. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14. | There is no column existing in the Pay Matrix Table in respect of Diploma Level Technical Institutions as published in AICTE notification dated 1st March 2019 for fixing the Pay of Principals and other faculty members already drawing the pay in the AGP of 10000. Please suggest the table. | An appropriate column of the pay matrix table presented by 7th CPC for central government employees may be used. |
Disclaimer: Notification Language
The notification is published in English and Hindi languages. Utmost care is taken to translate notification from English to Hindi. However, in case of any kind of discrepancy in interpretation, English version shall prevail.
Member Secy.