Punjab 6th CPC Pay Commission Report and Implementation

Punjab 6th CPC Pay Commission Report and Implementation
The another State Government of Punjab is all set to implement the recommendations of 6th Pay Commission to its employees soon.
As per the media reports, the revised pay scale and allowances are expected to announce in next month due to the General Election. The former chief Secretary Jai Singh Gill, who was appointed as chairman in April 2017 instead of R.S.Mann said.
The Government of Punjab has constituted the Sixth Punjab Pay Commission with Sh. R.S.Mann as the chairman and notified on 4th November 2016. The terms of reference of the 6th Punjab Pay Commission is that to examine the principles and the date of effect thereof that should govern the structure of Pay, Allowances and Other Facilities/Benefits, whether in cash or in kind, to all categories of employees in the state of Punjab to whom the Punjab Civil Services Rules.
And also examine the structure of Pension, Death-cum-retirement Gratuity, Family Pension and Other Terminal or Recurring Benefits having financial implications to the present and former State Government employees, appointed before January 1, 2004.
6th Punjab Pay Commission: