Status of Implementation of Bhavishya: Minutes of Meeting held on 05.02.2016
Minutes of Meeting held on 05.02.2016 on the status of Implementation of Bhavishya in the Ministries / Department including their attached & subordinate offices
Meeting of Minutes of Bhavishya held on 05.02.2016.
Minutes of the meeting held on 05.02.2016 at 11.00 AM under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (P&PW) on the status of Implementation of Bhavishya in the Ministries/Department including their attached & subordinate offices
A meeting on implementation on Bhavishya was conducted on 05.02.2016 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Pension) at 11.00 AM
2. List of Participating Ministries/Departments is at Annexure-I
3. J S (Pension) welcomed the participants in the meeting and briefed about the status of implementation of Bhavishya . Till date 860 DDOs are on board Bhavishya though the total number of DDOs is about 9000.
4. Secretary (P&PW) after reviewing the follow up action on the decisions taken on 08.01.2016, directed that each Ministry/Department will have to take responsibility of their attached/sub-ordinate offices for implementation of ‘Bhavishya’. After due deliberation, the following decisions were taken:
i) Each Ministry/Department will ensure that all the DDOs are registered on Bhavishya within a weeks time. Nodal Officer of each Ministry/Department has already been provided online facility to register their DDOs/HOOs of their attached / subordinate offices.
ii) Nodal Officer of each Ministries/Department will collect the requisite information in the 6 prescribed formats in Annexure-II and upload the above information on Bhavishya Portal under ‘Utility-organization status’.
iii) It was pointed out by a number of Ministries/Departments that Bhavishya portal is functioning only in NICNET which is not always available in all the Central Government Offices and requested for alternate access to the Bhavishya software. DoP&PW will take necessary steps to resolve this problem
iv) DoP&PW will upload the minutes of the meeting on the department’s website as well as Bhavishya Portal and also send the minutes to all the participants
through e-mail.
5. The next Review Meeting on Bhavishya under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (P&PW) will be within two weeks time with the Nodal officers of all Ministries/Departments.
6. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
Download Minitus of Bhavishya Meeting