7th Pay Commission Calculator after issue of Gazette Notification for implementation of 7th CPC

7th Pay Commission Calculator after issue of Gazette Notification- Find your New 7th CPC Pay, HRA, TA and month wise Salary Arrears
Updated : 07-08-2018: 7th Pay Commission Option form – How to fill the same to get maximum financial benefit ?
Are you still unsure on exercising this Option ? No worries. We have come up with an online tool to find if there is any benefit out of exercise of option under Rule 6 to remain in the pre-revised pay structure until next increment.
Click here to use GConnect 7th Pay Commission Option Form for Pay Fixation – Online tool
Cabinet gave its approval for implementation of 7th Pay Commission recommendations with very little modifications. Now Finance Ministry has issued notification for implementation of 7th Pay Commission recommendations
Implementation of 7th Pay Commission as per Gazette Notification dated 25.07.2016 – Salient features with respect to Pay and Allowances:
1. 7th Pay Commission recommendations on dispensing Grade Pay System has been accepted and new Pay Matrix devised by 7th Pay Commission has been approved with effect from 1st January 2016
Click here for New 7th Pay Commission Pay Structure, Pay fixation method and fitment Formula
Click here for the 7th CPC Gazette Notification (PDF)
2. As far as existing Central Government Employees and Pensioners are concerned, fitment factor of 2.57 will be applied across all Levels in the Pay Matrices.
3. Rate of annual increment has been fixed as 3 %.
4. CGEGIS deduction will be as per the old rates only. The new rates of CGEGIS recommended by 7th Pay Commission was not accepted by Govt.
5. Govt has decided to constitute a Committee headed by Finance Secretary for further examination of the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission on Allowances. Till a final decision is taken, all existing Allowances will continue to be paid at the existing rates. So, the quantum of existing allowances will continue as such even after 1st January 2016 till 7th Pay Commission recommendations on allowances are accepted by Govt based on Committee’s report.
6. Except Dearness Allowance, all other allowances including HRA and Transport Allowance will subjected to Committee’s Scrutiny. Hence, existing HRA and Transport Allowances will continue to be paid till further decision is taken by Govt.
Click here to read the details on Cabinet approval relating to all the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission
How to enter values in 7th Pay Commission Calculator ?
1. Select present 6CPC Pay Band / Grade Pay to which you presently belong to
2. Enter your present 6CPC pay in pay band (Do not include your grade pay)
3. Select present HRA Rate
4. Select City in which you are presently working for the purpose of TA Rate
5. If you are eligible for Double TA (applicable to physically challenged employees) select the option Yes.
6. Select Yes option if you are eligible for TA of Rs. 7000 (Applicable to employees who are in the GP of Rs. 10,000 and eligible for official Car)
7. Select Yes if you are entitled to NPA (Non-Practicing Allowance)
8. Select Yes if you are covered by NPS
9. Finally select the month up to which arrears of pay and allowances is to be calculated
Then Click Calculate Arrears button. Now this online tool would display the following
1. New 7th Pay Commission Pay, HRA, and TA
2. Your new level and index in the 7th CPC Pay Matrix
3. Pay Arrears from 1st January 2016 after deductions such as CGEGIS, NPS etc.
4. Month wise Pay drawn and Pay due statement
5. Display your fitment in the new 7th Pay Commission Pay Matrix.
Note: CPI from July 2015 to May 2016 indicates 7% increase in DA from July 2016 for pre-revised pay and 2% from July 2016 after implementation of 7th Pay Commission. So, Central Government Employees and pensioners will be entitled to DA at the rate of 2% from July 2016 on the revised pay. For the purpose of calculation of arrears this calculator takes DA as on July 2016 as 0% only as revised pay will be paid in August 2016. It is also expected that DA arrears from July 2016 will be paid separately, once DA with effect from July 2016 is announced in September 2016 or October 2016
Checkout this GConnect Article : 7th Pay Commission DA Calculator as per gazette notification
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