DA from January 2017 will be 4% – Dearness Allowance of Central Government Employees -estimation

DA from January 2017 will be 4% based on All India Consumer Price Index from – Increase in Dearness Allowance for Central Government Emplyees and Pensioners with effect from January 2017 estimated to be 2%
GConnect.in had estimated that DA from January 2017 will be either 4% or 5% depending upon three scenarios viz., No increase in AICPI (IW) in December 2016, Decrease in AICPI (IW) in December 2016, and Increase in AICPI (IW) in December 2016.
Click here to read: DA from January 2017 will be 4% or 5% – Dearness Allowance Estimation
Now that, consumer price index for December 2016 has been released by Govt.
Click here to read : All India Consumer Price Index for December 2016 released – 2 Point Decrease
Consequent on decrease of 2 point decrease in AICPI (IW) in December 2016, Increase in Dearness Allowance for Central Government Emplyees and Pensioners with effect from January 2017 estimated to be 2% as per following calculation.
Month | Actual AICPI-IW |
Jan-2016 | 269 |
Feb-2016 | 267 |
Mar-2016 | 268 |
Apr-2016 | 271 |
May-2016 | 275 |
Jun-2016 | 277 |
Jul-2016 | 280 |
Aug-2016 | 278 |
Sep-2016 | 277 |
Oct-2016 | 278 |
Nov-2016 | 277 |
Dec-2016 | 275 |
DA with effect from 1st January 2017 | = [ (269+267+268+271+275+277+280+278+277+278+277+275)/12]-(261.4)X100/261.4 |
= 4 % |
Checkout the new DA Calculator for Dearness Allowance after implementation of 7th Pay Commission report, to verify the above calculations.
[advanced_iframe securitykey=”ramansu6971″ src=”https://www.gconnect.in/pages/2016/da-tool/index.html” height=”1200px”]
checkout here for more information of 7th Pay Commission DA Calculation